Notes - Sam

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Character: Sam
Type: Fluff
Word count: 716

I pry open the massive history textbook and sigh. This is going to be a long free period. 

I flick to the relevant page and my attention is immediately caught by a little handwritten note in the corner - so much for concentrating on The Cold War. In tiny black ink, a message reads: this book has taught me more than a whole semester with Mr Thomas.

I chuckle to myself - Mr Thomas is the strictest teacher alive and we learn nothing in his lessons. Maybe this kid is in my class... Against my better judgement, I scrawl back: relatable.

I then shake my head and force myself to focus. Ok, Kennedy has just launched a naval blockade on the USSR...

~ The next day ~

I head straight to the library at lunch because my curiosity is killing me.  I grab my textbook - that I left on the windowsill - and see that my 'relatable' has sparked a response.

In the same neat handwriting, someone wrote - 'I'm so sorry you have the misfortune of having Mr Thomas for history too. I feel for you '.

I wonder who this could be. I write back 'He's the personification of the devil. Are you in 10a? ' and snap it shut as the bell rings shrilly.

 I walk to class with a small smile on my face. Coincidentally, I have history, and I scan the room. No suspects come to mind to who my secret pen pal might be, so I take my seat and retrieve my pencil case from my backpack.

"Hi," says the boy who sits next to me. He's new and doesn't talk much, so I return his greeting with a smile. Before I can say anything else, Mr Thomas appears, shouting at us all to be silent. 

~ Two weeks later ~

I sit contently in the library, reading over my textbook messages with some rando who actually seems really cute.

'He's the personification of the devil. Are you in 10a?'

'Yep. I used to love history but now it's so boring.'

'I agree. I loved studying the romans last year.'

'Oh! I have a joke about the romans. How was the roman empire split in half?'

'I don't know :)'

'With a pair of caesars!' 

'Wow. I snorted.'

'Glad someone finds my jokes funny :) '

'Hey, what's your name anyway?'

I need to know who this dork is. I run my finger over my own question and look at a little pencilled arrow that indicates for me to turn the page. I do, holding my breath in anticipation. 

Why don't you ask me in person? 

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. That wasn't what I was expecting. I lift my head and my eyes dart around the almost empty library. Almost empty.

On the table across from me, a boy raises a hand in an awkward wave. Shy boy from history! My mouth opens slightly in realisation, and I point to the book, then to myself, then at him. He nods and I grin, making my way over.  



I take the seat next to him and we just look at each other for a moment, before we both laugh. 

"Sorry - this is weird -" he starts but I cut him off.

"No, it's not... It's just funny that it's you!"

"And you!" he smiles. He blinks and babbles, "Oh, I'm Sam. Sam Winchester. I know we've never talked in class because you know -"

"The personification of the devil!" we say in unison, and I grin. 

"Yes, but you seem really cool," Sam smiles and I blush. "So, maybe we could hang out sometime? I haven't made many - ok, any - friends yet."

"Of course! You can sit with me at lunch, if you'd like."

"Yeah, I would. Thanks."

"Shhhhhhhhh!" the sound slithers into our conversation like a snake, and we both turn to the librarian who is shooting us a disapproving glare. 

"Sorry," Sam apologises. I sling my bag over my shoulder and Sam sees me, copying. We noiselessly exit the library and come out into the courtyard. "I'll see you tomorrow..."

"Oh, y/n! Y/n. I'll look forward to it, Sam." 

"Y/n." he says, as if testing what my name sounds like, "Yes. Ok," he pauses, staring at me for a second, "Yeah, bye. See you tomorrow." He turns sharply and hurries away. What a dork. 

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