Cooking - Sam

516 7 3

Character - Dean and Sam (paired with Sam)
Type - Fluff
Word count - 1225

"I have no idea how you guys stay in such good shape, considering your eating habits."

"Thanks," Dean smirks.

"That was not a compliment!"

"We've just got no time, y/n. You know how it is..." Sam says tiredly. 

"I know you're busy, saving the world from all evil and stuff, but eating some real food-"

"Hey! Pie is real food!" Dean protests.

"Dean! I'm just saying..." I slump back into the couch. I've been hunting with the Winchesters for a year now and it has been Crazy with a capital C. But I've grown to love them both - Sam especially, but that's a story for another time. "I'm going to bed." I huff, getting back up again.

"Y/n! We didn't mean to hurt your feelings," Sam says but I interject:

"I know, I know. I'm just tired." 


The next morning, I stumble sleepily into the kitchen and find a note stuck to the milk carton. 

Emergency hunt. We're really sorry - but we didn't want to wake you. Should be back by evening. - Sam & Dean.

I curse under my breath. I hate when they go on hunts without me - I'm left behind in a constant state of worry. Rationally, I know they're both more than able to take care of themselves but...

I use my day off to clean my room a little and continue my Buffy the Vampire Slayer rewatch. While huddled up on the sofa, watching Buffy prepare for a Thanksgiving dinner, it gives me an idea. 

After the episode, I head into the kitchen. I flick on the light and check the fridge. As suspected, there's nothing substantial. I check the time. I slip on my boots and leather jacket, before hopping on my motorcycle. 

It's only halfway to the store that I realise I left my backpack at the bunker.


An hour or so later, I return with a My Little Pony backpack (that's all they had, okay?!) packed full of various ingredients. I put on the radio and turn the volume all the way up, dancing while I cook. 

I start chopping some onion and my eyes sting so bad that tears stream down my face. I hear a jingle of keys and the shouts of two brothers arguing. 

I wipe my face with the back of my hand and head into the hallway. "Hey." I say.

"Y/n! Will you please enlighten Sam -" he stops in his tracks. "Woah. Are you okay?"

"Oh my god, what happened?" Sam says urgently, pushing his brother out of the way to examine me. He grabs my face gently, staring into my eyes. "Y/n?" 

I let out a snort of laughter. Sam and Dean exchange puzzled looks. "I'm sorry." I splutter, "I was cutting onions." 

Sam lets go of my face, blushing, "Oh." 

"Yeah, I was gonna make you guys a proper meal as a surprise. Spaghetti. But you're back."

"Aw, I could get used to coming home to this," Dean teases and I shoot him a sharp look.

I return back to the kitchen, plonking all the veg into a pan before adding a tin of tomatoes. I snap some spaghetti noodles, submerging them in the hot water.

I hear a deliberate cough sound from behind me. "Y/n?"

"Yup?" I spin around to see Sam with a smirk plastered on his face, holding up my new bag. "I can explain."

"Maybe you shouldn't. Did you kidnap a five-year-old?"

"Jerk. I went to the store for food and forgot my own backpack."

"Oh," Sam puts the bag down, "You went to the store for us? We usually do that together."

I smile and shake my head, turning my attention back on the stove. I mix the sauce and spaghetti. "Take some cutlery in, and drinks. Tell Dean it'll be ready in a minute."

"Yes ma'am." Sam says, saluting. I throw a tea towel at him. 

I serve up the steaming food and smile proudly. I hope they like it.

Setting the plates down on the table, I look at them both expectantly. They look almost nervous as they take their dish and take a bite. I stare at them both. Dean gives me a thumbs up before stuffing his mouth with another forkful. I narrow my eyes at Sam. He smiles and says, "It's delicious, y/n." 

I smile, not wanting to express how glad I actually am. "Good, good."

I take a seat and start eating too. "How was the hunt?"

"Nothing special. Ellen made it seem more dramatic than it actually was." Dean answers.

"Ellen? How is she?" 

"She's good. Yeah... it was a witch. Easy." Dean brags.

"Good, good." I say quietly. 

After dinner, Sam offers to do the dishes, which is sweet. Dean and I relax on the couch, flicking through TV channels. 

"Sammy insisted on staying behind with you, you know." says Dean, with a playful smile on his face.

"He did?"

"Yup. He hates going on hunts without you." 

"I hate it when you go on hunts without me," I say, annoyed, "You know how anxious I can get."

"Yes, and I'm sorry, but I don't think you get what I'm trying to say-"

"What are we watching?" Sam smiles, entering the living room. He relaxes back onto the sofa next to me. I drape a blanket over both of us. "I think The Craft is on."

"Oh, I love that movie!" As if by magic, I stumble upon the right channel, the film just about to start. Sam wraps a strong arm around me, he feels warm and safe, and I can't help blushing. Dean wiggles his eyebrows at me, looking pointedly to Sam and then me. 

I roll my eyes. Dean slaps his hands on his jeans and gets up, "Right. I'm going to bed. Thanks for dinner y/n. Sam, can I talk to you real quick?"

Sam shoots his brother a death stare before reluctantly following him out of the room. I hear hushed voices hiss from the hallway. I catch an urgent 'just do it!' and then Sam's walking awkwardly back into room. He settles back into the same spot, only closer than before. 

"What was that about?"

"Hum? Nothing." Sam says unconvincingly. 

"You can tell me." I insist, turning to face him. His eyes are bright in the dim lighting, big and puppy-like. I brush his messy hair out of his eyes. "Sam?"

Silence. I blink. He licks his lips.

And then we're kissing. 

I don't know who moved first, I don't know what came over me. But we're kissing and it's hot and it's cold, it's terrifying and it's perfect. I reach up, running a hand through his hair. He cups my chin and I feel my heart melt. I'm overcome with warmth and pleasure. He pulls away, breathing heavily, and I place a hand on his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat. 

He lets out a noise that sounds half like a laugh, half like a sigh. I giggle. He smiles and laughs, and I laugh, and now we're both blushing and laughing, staring at each other. He's so perfect. 

"Y/n," Sam says, "I've had the biggest crush on you since... since we met and... Dean. Dean was telling me I should make a move. That, that you might like me too and I-"

"Sam. I like you too." I confess, "And I want to be with you."

Sam looks like he just won the lottery. "Are you serious?"

"Of course!" I smile. He touches my face so gently, so caringly, and kisses me again. 

Hope you're enjoying! Feel free to comment or request anything <3

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