Secret - Dean

664 5 0

Character - Dean
Type - Fluff
Word count - 526

"What's wrong?" 

Sometimes I hate it how he always knows when something is bothering me. Dean and I have been going out for a few months now and there's just one thing playing on my mind.

An uncertainty about the whole thing.

I really, really like Dean. It's not his fault. It's something I know shouldn't be a big deal, but it's clouding my judgement and making me feel annoyingly insecure. 


Dean snaps his book shut and stares at me.

"Don't lie to me." Dean says, his tone gentler than I expected. 

I sigh.

"You're my girlfriend, I'm your boyfriend," he reminds me, gesturing between our bodies. "We don't do secrets."

I can't hold back my snort.

He looks hurt when he says, "What?"

"You're not exactly an open book yourself, Dean Winchester."

"I am when I want to be," he says defensively. He crosses his arms. "Look, please tell me what's wrong." His eyes are so sincere I have to look away.

"Dean..." I pause and take an anxious breath. I should just tell him, get it out in the open. "Dean. I'm about to be vulnerable with you so close your mouth and don't say anything stupid, okay?"

He mimics zipping his mouth shut. He raises his eyebrows at me to continue. 

"I've never been in a relationship before." I confess. His eyes widen slightly. "I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm scared I'm gonna screw this up. I don't want to screw this up." 

He blinks and the silence is agonising. "You can unzip your mouth now." I mumble.

"You've never been in a relationship before?" He can't hide his disbelief - I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. "You. You're telling me that someone as drop dead gorgeous as yourself has never... wow."


"Ok, sorry, I'm just shocked. It's nothing to worry about."

"But it is though! How many girlfriends have you had?" I ask.

"Not that many." 

"Ok, let me rephrase that. How many women have you slept with?"

He doesn't respond. 

"Exactly. You're way more experienced compared to me and I feel so out of my depth. What if I can't give you what all those other girls did?" Tears threaten and I force myself to not let them fall. "What if I-"

He cuts me off by pulling me towards him, into a hug. My ramble of worries die in my throat as I breathe him in and settle into his arms. He whispers into my hair, "You're the most remarkable girl I've ever met. I have never wanted to be with anyone more."

I sniff. 

"I am in no way an expert. We're both bound to make mistakes in this relationship." He feels me tense and corrects himself, "And it's okay! We have all the time in the world to figure everything out. I love you for you."

A lone tear escapes down my cheek. I wipe at my face immediately and Dean pulls back to look at me. I look at him. I smile, sad and happy at the same time.

He pulls me back into his body and we stay that way for ages. It's the most comforting feeling in the world. 

Supernatural Imagines/One shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt