My Girlfriend - The Winchesters

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Character: Sam, Dean (no pairing)
Type: SAD
Word Count: 1829
Kinda rly proud of this one yk 
Dedicated to Lily from that one season 2 episode <3

The bar is almost deserted. I'm not surprised to be honest - there's a funky smell, peeling wallpaper and it's located in the middle of nowhere. I rest my chin in my hand, paracetamol fighting hard to keep an impending headache at bay. I try to relax but stay alert, listening to Avery rant about something that happened on a hunt a while back. I love how her eyes light up when she talks passionately. We've been tracking a couple of vamps for a week now and, hopefully, they're scheduled to show up here shortly. 

"Can I get you ladies anything?" A friendly-looking bartender asks us. He swipes a hand through his dirty-blond hair and smirks at Avery. I barely contain my eyeroll as I reply politely, "We're good, thanks." 

"Ok," he turns, but once we've looked away, he flashes a set of sinister fangs and comes straight for me. Before I even have time to react, two deafening gunshots ring through the air and the bartender stumbles backwards. He collides with a drink's cabinet, glass shattering everywhere. Avery gracefully hops over the counter, unsheathing an axe from her belt. In one quick motion, she cuts the vampire's head clean off. She stands over his limp body, breathing heavily. 

I smile to myself - classic Avery - but then I look down. A large piece of glass has lodged itself in the soft flesh of my palm. I pull it out with a wince, the noise perking Avery's ears up. 

"Jillian?!" she shouts, rushing over to my side. "Are you hurt? Let me see," she grabs my hand, immediately retrieving a bandage from her pocket. "Stay still."

I grin. I love how she's simultaneously a badass and a softie. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. "Where's the other one?" I ask in a hushed tone, scanning the now empty bar.

There should be one more vampire, brother to the one we killed. My eyes dart around while Avery finishes tying the cloth around my hand. She places a gentle kiss to the bandage and despite everything, I smile. But everything is eerily silent, which sends an unsettling shiver down my spine. 

The door to the bar swings open abruptly with a thud, and the other vampire enters dramatically. He wears a worn leather jacket, dirty blue jeans and a horrendous slash of a smile. He wastes no time charging at us but it's two against one, so I'm not so scared. He swings at Avery, but she dodges, distancing herself from the stocky vamp. He goes for me next but I'm more than capable, delivering a powerful kick to his crotch. Surprisingly he's unfazed though and he pushes me backwards. I'm sent flying, my back connecting with the dusty wooden floorboards. The vampire cackles maniacally, leering over me. I spit up blood and cringe at the sight. 

I scramble backwards, glass cutting up my hands, but the monster advances; I'm powerless. But he's forgotten about my secret weapon, my partner in crime, and with a brilliant cry she jams her axe in my attacker's neck. The sickening sound makes my hair stand on end - I will never get used to it no matter how many times I've heard it. 

Avery smiles down warmly at me, as if she hadn't just brutally beheaded a vampire, and offers her hand. I take it gladly, returning her grin.

"You're welcome," she says, and I get lost in her eyes for a second. 

"Thank you, m'lady," I reply and just when she's about to help me up, her eyes are extinguished. A scream that doesn't sound like mine leaves my lips as ribbons of blood erupt from her lips, spluttering all over my face. "AVERY!"

Her body goes limp and, in her place, stands a triumphant vampire, clutching a bloodied dagger. We were hunting two. There were supposed to be two! "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I roar, but before I get the chance to strike, the vampire is knocked off her feet by a tall figure. My head swims as two more vampires enter and start fighting with another guy who seemed to appear out of nowhere.

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