Period- Dean

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Character: Dean
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 226

You bury yourself under your thick duvet, wishing you were dead. You curl up into a ball, but no position will ease the pain stabbing in your stomach.

You hear the door creak open and a soft voice call, "Y/n?"

You groan in response, and you feel the bed sag as someone sits on the end of it. "Period?" Dean asks.

"Uh huh," You peek your head out from under the covers and Dean's sympathetic green eyes meet yours.

"Thought as much," he smiles knowingly and pulls out your favourite snack from his pocket. With a sudden surge of energy, you lunge forward and grab it, while Dean smiles, amused.

"Thanks," you mumble through a huge bite, smiling at your boyfriend. 

"No problem." Dean grins, slipping under the covers with you.

He lies back and you place your head on his chest. Dean gently touches his warm hand to your stomach, and some of the pain melts away. "You're my personal hot water bottle." you remark, placing a kiss on Dean's cheek. "Hey, don't you have a hunt?"

"Not until you're up to it. You know I hate hunting without you."

"Yeah, I am pretty brilliant." Dean's so sweet when you're on your period, and it makes the whole ordeal a little better.

"At least you're not pregnant," Dean jokes and you kick him, "Ow!"

"Don't be such a baby," you smile, as Dean pulls you closer to him. You close your eyes and take a deep, relaxing breath.

"I love you," you say.

"I love you more," he says, kissing your forehead. 

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