Chapter Five

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I don't know where I was

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I don't know where I was. I don't know any of these people. I have been sitting in this room alone in the corner after the maids bathed me, they tried to get me to eat something but I couldn't. All I could think about was my parent's dead bodies, their dead eyes staring at me emotionlessly. Bile rose to my throat, I wanted to throw up, food was the least of my concerns right now. 

All-day long a lot of questions have been running through my mind. I needed answers, I needed someone to talk to. I needed to see my parents again. They deserve a funeral and proper burial and a final goodbye that I never got a chance to say.

There were a lot of people in this house, mostly, servants. They couldn't have the answers to my questions. I needed to talk to the woman who brought me here, what was her name? Bianca? That's what she told me.

I needed to know, who they are. What do they want from me? Why am I here? What happened to my parents? Who killed them? What will happen to me? What are they going to do to me?

An unexpected wail bubbled up from my chest as I thought about my parents again. We had so many plans... I sobbed even more as I realized that we will never get the chance to be a normal family.

I miss them...

I miss them so much...

A knock on my bedroom door startled me, I wiped my tears away immediately and croaked out a rough come in. The same maid re-entered my room with a tray full of food. Her face contorted with pity as she approached me.

"I'm not hungry..." I whispered

I pulled my knees to my chest and dropped my head over them. I didn't feel like doing anything, a certain weight had settled on my chest. I felt like I was drowning.

"You need to eat"

I shook my head. "I can't... I just can't... I told you I'm not hungry"

Another knock startled us, I looked towards the door, and the same woman who had brought me here entered. I don't know why but after seeing her relief washed over me.

"Hey..." she smiled at me.

"Hi..." I answered

She nodded at the maid and the maid nodded back at her before she walked out of the bedroom. She approached me and settled down beside me.

"Eat" she ordered.

I looked between her and the tray full of food. I shook my head, telling her that I couldn't. She breathed out loudly.

"Why, Evangeline?" she asked

I swallowed. "Who are you?"

"My name is Bianca like I told you... and we are your friends, Evangeline. We won't hurt you, okay? You need to eat or the boss won't like it"

My stomach sank as I remembered the tall, tattooed man from before. "Boss?"

"Yeah, Nikolai Costello. This is his home, and he would like to see you in his study after you have had your meal"

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