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"Please, please, have mercy

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"Please, please, have mercy..." he groaned out, he could barely breathe but I didn't care as I jabbed another needle into his neck.

I frowned, mockingly. "How can I? You don't fucking deserve it!" saying that, I slammed a plier onto his nose, probably breaking it.

He let out gibberish as blood trailed down his nose, filling his mouth, and making him gag on it.

I was in the tunnels under our mansion, torturing our captives—the ones who deserves it anyway. My hair was in a messy bun and I was wearing a light pink summer dress which was now covered in blood, filthy blood.

My husband has gone out of the country leaving me alone with these imbeciles and Lorenzo.

I went into the corner to get the toolkit when Lorenzo appeared beside me in a flash, "Let me get this for you."

I smiled as we walked back to the man I was torturing. Phew! Even walking is a chore for me nowadays.

Lorenzo opened the kit and before me; laid beautiful, the shiniest, and the sharpest blades in the fucking world. My husband has the finest taste in everything...

I grabbed the sharpest one and as I was about to jam it into his thigh, the knock on the door interrupted me. My head snapped back to the door and I glared at it.

Lorenzo opened the door and the face of my husband appeared making me drop the blade and run to him with glee. I didn't care what I was doing, whenever Nikolai was near me I was just his wife as he was just my husband. 

"Easy..." he warned before wrapping his arms around me.

"God! I missed you!"

"I missed you more, baby girl and how's our baby doing?" he crouched down and placed a kiss on my seven-month-pregnant belly.

"Your baby is kicking a lot nowadays and it's making me so damn hungry like all the time!" I grumbled.

He got back up and his eyes went to the man, tied to the chair behind me. "Ah, the child-fucker..."

I gritted my teeth and asked Lorenzo for a gun, "We don't need him; do we?" I asked Nikolai.

The stupid ass asshole was no fucking fun anymore, It's like he gave up and knew he wasn't getting out of here alive.

"I don't think that I do..."

"Please, I have kids, I have four kids, you are a mother yourself, don't do this..." he pleaded for his life one last time.

"The little girl you raped was also someone's daughter; imagine what her mother must be going through right now and trust me, your four kids will be better off without their rapist of a father!" saying that, I shot him in the head.

Nikolai tugged me closer, "You're so sexy when you take charge but enough stress for one day," he picked me up in his arms and walked me out of the tunnels and back into our home.

"He ruined my dress!" I snapped, looking down at the blood.

"I'll buy you another one..."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head over his chest. We went to our bedroom and showered together. He pleasured me and I pleasured him—I was extra horny nowadays because of my pregnancy, maybe, I don't know; and Nikolai never complained about anything I asked him for. He was so gentle with me, it was sweet but then I realized he was only gentle for his baby. 

We went to our doctor's appointment, Nikolai always seemed hypnotized as he stared at our child on the ultrasound monitor. We had been doing this for five months now and every single time he just watches his child with fascination, it never gets old for him.

We had dinner and then went back home. We lay in our bed; his head over my chest as I caressed his hair while he rambled about some crooked, corrupted king he was planning on taking down because he wanted his land.

In our vows, he told me that I will be his equal in everything. He wasn't lying, he let me know everything going on in the Cosa Nostra and outside of it too. He asked for my opinions on how he should handle things.

Uncle Luca had stopped talking to me after my wedding. He said he didn't want this for me but I didn't know how to tell him that I had stopped living for other people.

This life I was in made me so happy - it was just the way I wanted it to be. I couldn't even imagine what my life would be like without Nikolai being part of it.

I was the queen of the Cosa Nostra, and it was enough for me. Unlike Moretti men who had disrespected me and deceived me, the men who served the Costello family respected me like they would any other leader.

They weren't ashamed that a woman was ordering them around, if anything they preferred me over Nikolai in most things. They said I was the other half of his brain, the one he was lacking before he met me. It was our little joke, Nikolai didn't know anything about it.

Nikolai wasn’t perfect, and neither was I. We often found ourselves fighting and disagreeing but it only added to the excitement. We were a chaotic mess but somehow it all worked out in the end. We challenged each other and pushed each other to be better. We had our own flaws and imperfections, but they only made us stronger as a couple. We were a beautiful disaster, but it was one thing that I wouldn't trade for anything.

Together we were an absolute mess but also a masterpiece in the making, a work of art that I will always cherish.

He called me the “light of his life” but what he didn't know, he was my “darkness”.

Within both of us lies clashing forces, good and bad, constructive and destructive, joy and sorrow, love and hate, yin and yan, darkness and light.

The Devil and The Angel.





And it's a wrap! ❤️

Do leave a review and let me know what you think! ❤️

Personally, when I was writing this book, I felt so attached to it that it smoothly flowed out of my mind, something that rarely happens now—I had to grill my brains for my other stories—but not this one. I knew how I wanted to write it and I did...

Honestly, I'm so happy and obsessed with Nik and Evangeline that I don't even care if anyone hates them or hates the story! I'm just grateful that I was able to finish another one of my works.

Always grateful!

Much love! ❤️


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