Chapter 5: The Date

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Izuku was woken up by the sound of his alarm on his phone. He slowly pressed the button on his phone and laid back down on the bed. Minutes later, he got a call from someone. He grumply grabbed the phone and saw 'Aunty Nemuri' pop up. He answers the phone with a grouchy "hello." "You're still in bed?" Izuku noticed the voice from anywhere. "Mei?" Izuku asked. "Yup," Mei replied. "What are you doing on her phone?" Izuku asked. "What are you, the phone police? We never exchanged numbers, so I called you through Midnight's phone," Mei replied. "Oh.....well, what's up?" Izuku asked. "I wanted to see if you want to hang out around ten," Mei replied. "Today is thursday.....we have school," Izuku replied. "Actually, we don't. They canceled it today, including next week. There was a leak in the school from all of the bathrooms," Mei said. "Oh....then yeah...we can hangout later on," Izuku said. "Great! It's a date!" Mei said. "Wait, w-" Before Izuku could finish his sentence, she hung up on the phone. Izuku sighed and looked at the time to see it was 7:30. "I got time to spare," Izuku thought as he got up from his bed and changed his clothes. As he was getting dressed, he could feel his heart pounding. Almost as if it was begging to come out. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and noticed how red his face was. "What is happening to me?" Izuku shook it off, grabbed his mask, and walked out.

Izuku went for a jog then he went over to the beach that he found yesterday. "Okay, if I want my quirk to get stronger, I have to do some training." Izuku then looked at some tires and used his telekinesis to add it onto the pile he had already. By the time he finished with the tires he felt a little drained, but not too much to the point he can't continue. "That's all of the tires, now I should do something bigger." Izuku looked around to find some refrigerators and car pieces. He walked up to them and used his telekinesis. It was budging at all. "This is harder than it looks." Izuku made more attempts and managed to carry one refrigerator and one car piece over to the pile. "At least I know what I need to work on." After a couple more refrigerators and car pieces he looked at his phone to see it was 9:30 along with a message from Mei. "We will come and pick you up." Izuku quickly grabbed his jacket and ran home to get dressed.

He made it home and went straight upstairs. He walked into his room and was greeted by an unwanted guest. "What are you doing in my room?" Izuku asked. Shinso was startled by the sudden voice and looked behind him to see the same boy who was always bullied in school. The same boy who saved him from the boulder. The same person who barged into their home the other day and his father let him. "Who are you, actually?" Shinao asked. "I'm not answering any of your questions until you answer mine," Izuku replied. "I wanted to come into this room for once. Ever since I was a kid, my dad would always tell me to stay out of this room. I have listened to him for years and I started to come up with suspicion as to why he doesn't want me in this room. But now I know why....You have been living here," Shinso replied. Izuku and Shinso were now staring at each other. Almost as if they were having a staring contest. "Now that I have answered your question. You have to answer mine," Shinso said. "I am Izuku Aziawia...the son of 'your father'," Izuku replied. Shinso chuckled. "There is no way you are his son. His son died in that attack seven years ago along with his wife," Shinso said. Izuku was shocked, but soon laughed. Shinso was confused why he started to laugh at an inconvenient moment. "I can't believe that old man could stoop so low. Ignoring me since I was four was bad as it is, but now he is going around and telling others that his wife AND his son died is just unbelievable.....but predictable," Izuku said. "What are you talking about?" Shinso asked. "That son he told you that was dead is standing right in front of you. Are you really that dumb? When I am standing next to him, anyone could tell we are father and son. But when it comes to you, people would think you are his nephew," Izuku with a snickering look. "What are you talking about? What are you trying to say? That he isn't my father? Well here is a news flash, he IS my father and you are a stranger in our house," Shinso replied. "Okay buddy, keep telling yourself that." Izuku looked at his phone to see it was 9:45. "Would you mind getting out of my room? I have a date to attend in the next 15 minutes," Izuku said as he shoved Shinso out of the way and looked into his closet to grab some clothes. "No I will not! Not un-" "Look, if you are gay, you could have told me. I wouldn't judge you, but I don't roll that way, and I don't like it when someone is watching me getting naked. Plus, I am not into that whole incest relationship thing. So unless you don't want to see that, I advise you to get out. I have wasted 15 minutes talking to you already, I don't need to waste anymore of my precious time on you" Izuku interrupts Shinso. He wanted to say something back, but he knows he lost this fight. He turned around and slammed the door shut.

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