Chapter 31: Fourth reason why

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"To start it all off, I am the oldest sibling in my family. I have been an only child for three years before my younger brother came along and so forth. Before my quirk manifested, I had always dreamed of becoming a pro hero. I was passionate and always wanted to protect my family, become a role model for my younger siblings, and save others. But that dream was ruined the day my father told me I was not worth his time. Hearing your own father say such a thing cuts deeper than a knife. Your father does not want to train you because your 'weak' is something no kid should ever hear. Not only did he hurt me, he hurt my two younger brothers and my little sister.

One of my brothers has a strong ice quirk and my sister has an even stronger ice quirk. Both of those quirks are powerful enough to become a pro hero, but they were driven from the path because he failed to help them because of his selfish desires... create a weapon to destroy All Might. You heard that right, to destroy All Might. For what? Because you didn't become the number one hero? Well that is the STUPIDEST REASON I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE! I don't even know why I am even saying 'you' and 'father' when I should be saying Endeavor. Do you know how much you have destroyed the family? You literally treated my youngest brother as if he was a machine. Never gave him freedom, never let him have a normal childhood, and took him away from me! Away from us! You drove mom mad to the point she can't even look at her own son's face. She literally poured HOT WATER ON SHOTO BECAUSE HE LOOKED LIKE YOU! YOU HAVE IMPLANTED THE TRAUMA IN ALL OF US! YOU MADE FUYUMI SCARED TO SPEAK HER MIND! YOU MADE NATSU SCARED TO FIGHT BACK! YOU LITERALLY MADE SHOTO EMOTIONLESS! AND YOU RAPED MY MOTHER! YOUR WIFE! WERE YOU THAT DESPERATE TO THE POINT YOU FORCED HER TO HAVE  ANOTHER CHILD? UNTIL SHE FINALLY GETS THE 'MASTER PIECE'? ARE YOU MENTAL? BECAUSE OF YOU, EVERYONE IS MISERABLE AND MOM IS IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL WHEN IT SHOULD BE YOU!

...The day of the fire that was released in the house was staged. I was kidnapped by the same guy who kidnapped the little girl who is now in Midnight's possession. Before I got into the van, I saw you on your knees crying. When I saw you on your knees the first thing that came to mind was you looked stupid. You finally acknowledged me and noticed me until after I'm 'dead'. A father should care and acknowledge their children from the day they're born till the day they die. Not the other way around. When the forgotten one offered to take me home, I was so glad he took me with him. Because, if I step foot into the house with you in it, I don't think I would last a second. And when the forgotten one attacked you that night and told you what each scares represents affected you a little, it wasn't enough. You may say it did, but it did not. If it did then YOU WOULDN'T HAVE THREATENED SHOTO JUST BECAUSE HE LOST A MATCH! ARE YOU SERIOUS? YOU'RE REALLY GOING TO THREATEN HIM FOR LOSING TO A BOY? WERE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION TO THE FIGHT WHEN KATSUKI STARTED TO BEAT THE LIFE OUT OF HIM AND LITERALLY KNOCKED HIM OUT?

Endeavor because of you, I became who I am now. Endeavor, you are my only and the fourth reason."

Endeavor was looking at the ground as he noticed people were looking at him. Knowing what he had done was enough, but having a victim in the school and not noticing it made it worse. Nezu didn't talk once again and everyone addressed the video before them. Showing the forgotten one and Dabi.

Izuku- "This video isn't anything negative, but I want you all to acknowledge what Midnight has done for us. Ever since I was young, she would watch over me and take care of me when I get hurt. Anytime I would feel sad she always knew how to bring my confidence up. When she found out my secret, you didn't flip, you listened and you accepted our decision. You have watched over us and helped me out with my life decisions which were the best help I have ever gotten."

Touya- "Midnight, when you first met me, I could tell you was confused, but more worried about what was going on. The first thing you did was ask questions about what was going on and you were friendly to Eri.  Once you learned who I was, you were baffled at first, but still cared. Ever since I started this vigilante work, you have always checked on me and Izuku for any injuries we could have received. Anytime I needed help, you would help, and you would let me help you. You are the best teasing partner I have ever had too."

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