Chapter 11: The Cat is Out of The Bag

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They have reached Midnight's house. Izuku and Mei walked into the house while Touya and Eri were waiting in the car. Midnight was watching TV in the living room when she saw them walk in. "Hey guys!" Midnight said as she walked up to them. "Hey," Izuku and Mei said in unison. "How was your night?" Midnight asked. "It was pretty eventful," Izuku replied. Midnight looked at them two and her eyes widened. "Did you guys....." There was a long pause between the three until Izuku and Mei caught on what she meant. "What? No! Why are you even thinking about that?" Izuku asked. Midnight exhaled heavily and smiled. "Just have to make sure. Oh, where are your friends and their younger siblings?" Midnight asked. "They are waiting in the car," Mei replied. "How could you leave them in the car? Bring them inside," Midnight said. Mei chuckled and went to the car to get the two.

Midnight and Izuku were waiting inside the car while Mei was outside the house. "Hey Aunty Nemuri?" Izuku said. "Yes?" Midnight asked. "...Please don't freak out when you see them. Well, at least one of them," Izuku replied. "What makes you s-...did you bring a criminal with you?" Midnight asked. "No! It's nothing like that...It's someone pretty much the whole world knows because of who their father is," Izuku replied. Midnight was confused about what he was trying to say. She shook it off and turned to the door as she heard the door knob turn.

Mei peeked through the door and looked at Izuku. Izuku gave her the nod and she opened the door the rest of the way to show a little, blue headed girl gripping on to Mei's jacket. "Aww, hi there. My name is Nemuari, what's yours?" Midnight asked. Eri flinched and hid behind Mei more. Her horn started to glow until Izuku walked to Eri, touched her shoulder, and erased her quirk. Midnight looked at Izuku while giving him a confused look. "She doesn't do well when she meets new people. When she gets uncomfortable or scared she would activate her quirk and it is a strong one too. So it will be best to erase her quirk while she isn't feeling the best," Izuku said. Midnight nodded her head and looked back at Mei. "Where is her older brother?" Midnight asked. "That is something we didn't tell you about....they aren't actually siblings," Mei replied. Midnight raised her eyebrows and looked at Mei. Mei sighed and moved out of the way to reveal the son of endeavor.

Midnight couldn't believe that his son survived the fire. "T-Touya?" Midnight asked. "Yeah," Touya replied. Midnight looked at Izuku next to her. "So this what you mean by what you said....How did you find him?" Midnight asked. Neither of them answered the question because they didn't know how to. "They found me in the alleyway....I ran away from my home before the fire had gone off. I didn't even know a fire was let out until they told me about it," Touya replied. Midnight looked at Mei and Izuku after he drew his attention from Touya. "...At least you are okay, but I have to ask. Why is Mei bringing you here instead of returning you home?" Midnight asked. "I told her not to take me home because I didn't want to return back to that house hold," Touya replied. Midnight stored at Touya for a second until she smiled out of nowhere. "Okay, I will show you your room," Midnight said. They were surprised by what Midnight just said. "You're not going to ask why I don't want to go back?" Touya asked. "Nope! I already know how he is with his kids. Plus, I am friends with Rei and I noticed something in her. With the situation when she was sent to a mental hospital it didn't sit right with me. I investigated the situation and found out what Endeavor does to his children. So you don't need to explain to me. And as much as I want to help, there isn't anything I can do because of our hero status. He holds more authority over me, so I can't do anything," Midnight replied.

Izuku, Mei, and Touya were glad that she didn't interrogate them anymore. With her understanding the situation with his family already made their lives easier. "But...That still doesn't explain about this young girl right here. What's her story?" Midnight asked. Izuku was going to answer the question when he heard a shaky little girl speak. "My...My mommy died while giving birth to me and my daddy abandoned m-me. I was k-kidnapped and t-they saved me," Eri said. Midnight looks from the little girl to the two standing next to her. She turned her facial expression from a serious look to a smiling one. "Okay little one, I will show both of you guys your room," Midnight said. Touya grabbed Eri's hand and they followed her to their room. Izuku and Mei thought they were safe until they saw Midnight pop her head around the corner. "We are not done yet."

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