Chapter 30: Three Reasons Why

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The pro heroes and Touya heard Izuku's response to the offer. "You know what this means, right?" Touya whispered. "You know I can't miss an opportunity like this," Izuku said. "Well, you can start in the next two days! You can come to the school in whatever you want, but you have to get your uniform after the first month," Nezu said. "Wait, that early?" Touya asked. "Yup! Why wait when you can start now?" Nezu replied. "Wait a minute, I don't understand," Izuku said. "What is there that you don't understand?" Nezu asked. "Early this month, you said you were going to go back the way we were before after the camp trip. And all of a sudden, you gave us a week to decide whether or not we want to join the UA. Why?" Izuku asked. "To answer your question, I want to give you another chance. It is obvious that you were pushed off the path on becoming a pro hero because of society. So we want to give you another chance and become who you are bound to become," Nezu replied. "...I see," Izuku said. "Well, goodnight," Nezu said as he left along with the other pro heroes.

Izuku and Touya are left on the rooftop after everyone is gone. Touya looked back at Izuku with a confused look. Izuku asked him what was wrong. "Do you think he got the message?" Touya asked. "We will see tomorrow morning," Izuku replied.

*Flashback Last week*

After the talk with Midnight, he finally got an answer whether or not he was going to join UA. He went over to the girl's room and knocked on their door. Mei answers the door with a sweet sincere smile. "Hey," Mei said. "Hey," Izuku said. "What's up?" Mei asked. "I need your help with something," Izuku replied. "Sure, what do you need help with?" Mei asked. "I need help with recording a video," Izuku replied. "...seriously? You need help recording a video?" Mei asked. "Yes, but it isn't any video. It is a video about why I do what I do and I need your help with the evidence," Izuku replied. "Wait, you're saying you're going to UA?" Mei asked. "I'm not sure, but I will make a decision.," Izuku replied. "Okay, how long does this need to be finished by?" Mei asked. "By the time we leave and put it into a USB," Izuku replied. "Got it," Mei said with a smile.

Mei was happy that Izuku was thinking about going to UA. With all of the things that have happened to him made him second guess it. Which is better than nothing. He may say yes, he may say no, but at least he is considering it.

*After Izuku and Touya Left*

After sending them off, Nezu looked at the USB in his hand and it said, "four reasons why". Nezu walked to his office and pulled out a computer and put the USB inside. "What's in here?" Nezu opened the USB and saw five videos and a few files. He opened the first video that is titled, '1' and was greeted with a video that the forgotten one recorded.

"Hello Nezu, you might be wondering why I gave you this USB and why I am not explaining this in person. I will answer all of your questions in this video. Before I continue, please bring the Bakugo twins, Midnight, All Might, Eraserhead, and Endeavor into the room. I want them to hear this message as well"

Nezu was confused why the forgotten one wanted the four pro heroes and two students, but he called them and told them to come into his office. They walked into the office and asked what the matter was. "Before the two vigilantes got onto the helicopter, he handed me this USB. I watched the first 30 seconds of it and he wants you four in here," Nezu replied. All of them sat down at the available seats and Nezu projected the video up onto the bigger screen.

"*sigh* Ever since I was younger, I have always dreamed of becoming a hero. I would watch All Might fight villains, get collectables for all of the pro heroes, and study how I can become a hero. When my mother died in a villain attack, he was heartbroken. All of his wishes, the whole world, and the woman he wanted was gone. He felt like a failure, and can't save a single person ever again.

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