Chapter 26: A Second Chance?

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Izuku is standing on the other side of the kitchen table with his eyes widened. "W-What do you mean?" Aziawa sighed deeply as he looked at the ground. "When me and your mother met, we fell in love instantly. We have known each other since we were in middle school. I became a pro hero, so I decided to ask your mother to be my girlfriend. When I asked her, she told me yes. I was so happy that I got to date the girl of my dreams. Life was amazing until my brother returned from the U.S. He was a complete douchebag and a spoiled brat. Anytime he would ask our parents anything, he gets it. While I have to work for it. As time went by, my brother decided to meet your mother behind my back after I told him he couldn't. Their meetings went from once or twice a week to everyday. I started to notice how much distance she got over the period of time. While I was on one of my missions, I walked by an alleyway and saw something I wish I didn't see...Once I yelled at them, my brother threw Inko on the ground and ran. She was traumatized after that. She was scared to get close to men, little boys...and me...After a white, she got better and was able to stand in the same room as me. Just when things started to get better, something just had to happen. She started to have morning sickness and weird cravings. She also noticed how her cycle was late. She told me and the only thing I could think of is...She is pregnant. We didn't know for sure until she took the pregnancy test....Me and brother have the same quirk, but the only difference is, I can erase other's quirk(s) with my eyes while he has to touch them. Which is also why she wasn't able to defend herself against my brother."

Izuku didn't know what to say. Everything that was shared with him has not only changed his vision of his father, but now he is starting to question his past actions towards him. "Is that why you started to ignore me the day we found out about my quirk? Is it because I looked too similar to your brother and have the similar quirk as him to the point you don't want to pay attention to me? Is that the reason why you TOLD SHINSO I WAS DEAD? BECAUSE I WASN'T YOUR REAL SON?" Izuku yelled.

Aziawa could tell he was getting more and more aggravated as he thought about it, but that is what he expected. He hates the fact he does things with his actions. The truth is, hearing the quirk only reminded him of the past. The sadness, the grieving, and depression stage both Inko and Aziawa went through...It was just too much for him to bear. Even though his quirk is dormant, there is still a chance of him awakening his quirk and once he does, he will get flashbacks of his brother. The one person he truly wants to forget. Aziawa looked up at Izuku to see him still waiting for him to answer with an angry look. "...Partially yes." "Partially? What is the full reason?" Izuku asked. "Hearing about your quirk was too much for me to take in. Not only do you have his quirk, but you looked so similar to my brother. It brought back too many memories that had happened between him, I and Inko...I didn't want to disappoint you as a father, but I still anyway. You're not my biological son, but you are my son in my eyes. You have my brother's features, but you act so much like me." Aziawa chuckles to himself. "You had a horrible sleeping schedule like I do, you love cats, and you go crazy when something isn't organized...That's why I wanted to fix things between us...because I wanted to go back the way we were before...A family. Shinso may be in our lives now, but he is like a second son to me...The day I came into your room and lashed out on you was the day I was angry at myself for letting my fears get between us. I didn't mean to say that to you, I swear...but it just happened...please give me another chance."

Izuku's eyes that were holding the tears have finally fallen. The tears ran down his face to the ground. Hearing the full truth was surprising news, but music to his ears. This is what he wanted, he wanted the truth... the full truth. His father has always hid in the shadows of lies and finally let himself out of it. But now his facial features were one of the reasons he ignored him and hurt him more than getting stabbed, yet alone, his quirk. "...I will give you another chance." Aziawa looked up from the ground with tears running through his eyes with a shocked look on his face. "What? Why?" Aziawa asked. "Because you have finally told me the truth. Even though the truth hurt me, at least you finally were honest. All of the reasons you have given me were all reasonable, but it hurt. I am willing to give you a chance, but you need to earn my trust back," Izuku replied.

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