Chapter 18: Releasing Anger

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Izuku left the house after the talk they had over eight years. He walked around the city and the playground to cool down. He hated his father, he really did. After this day, he wasn't having it. He went over to the building he always went to and looked up at the sky. Normally, when he goes to this building he would calm down and all of his worries would wash away, but it seems to not go down.

While he was sitting on the roof, he got a phone call from Mei. He answered it and heard a little girl's voice on the other end. "Hey Eri, what are you doing on Mei's phone?" Izuku asked. "I wanted to talk to you," Eri replied. "What's up?" Izuku asked. Eri started talking about herself and what they could do later on in the week. Izuku started to calm down as he heard an innocent child speak so innocently, but it wasn't enough. "When are you coming home?" Eri asked. "I will come home after a few hours," Izuku replied. "Okay! Bye!" Eri yelled. "Bye," Izuku said as he hung up on the phone. Izuku twisted the ball on his bracelet and went out into the night.

Izuku has been going around in each alleyway in the city and found a few villains here and there and killed them. He has been doing this for five hours and it is past midnight. Izuku checked the time and saw it was one in the morning. "I guess it is time to wrap things up. I don't feel better yet, but this will have to do," Izuku thought as he started heading his way to Midnight's house. As he was jumping on the buildings, he heard a sudden noise in the alleyway. "I guess one more won't hurt," Izuku thought as he went over to where the commotion was.

He made it to the alleyway to see the pro hero talking to a girl. "Another fake hero talking to girls just to get what he wants," Izuku thought as he watched them talk. As he was watching, he noticed how hostile the pro hero was getting and the woman seemed uncomfortable. She tried to walk away, but he kept grabbing her arm and pulling her back. Izuku jumped down into the shadows so they couldn't see him.

The woman was starting to get really scared and started to cry for help. The pro hero wrapped his hand around her mouth to prevent her from talking. "Shh, you don't want people to think you are playing me do you? You know I am a pro hero and whatever I say will go into the public which will ruin your perfect image. Do you want that to happen or do you want to continue your modeling c-" Before he could finish his sentence, his face met someone's foot and was launched to the wall next to them. The woman looked over to where the pro hero went and back to see the vigilante standing before her. "You're the f-" "Go ahead and leave, I don't want you to get traumatized by what is about to happen," Izuku said. The girl nodded and ran out of the alleyway, leaving them alone.

The pro hero got up to his feet in a slow manner. "Who do you t-...You're that vigilante from the news! Oh boy, this is good! Once I turn you in, the news will stop talking about stupid All Might and talk ab-" Izuku punched the pro hero in the face into the wall. Izuku was getting tired of hearing him talk. "The only thing the news will talk about is you being dead," Izuku said. "I'm a pro hero who is respected by many peo-" Izuku punched the pro hero once again. "Will you let me finish my sente-" Izuku punched him in the face again and he is now bleeding from his nose and his mouth. "No, I won't let you talk. All I am hearing is you are going around showing people this pro hero they all love when they don't even know the real you. A liar, you harass women, and use your fame to get you what you want. You all wonder why I am doing this because of you! You didn't become a pro hero to protect everyone, you became a pro hero for fame and money, and use it to your advantage! You guys are all FAKE AND I HATE FAKE PEOPLE!" Izuku yelled.

The pro hero was getting nervous as he noticed how Izuku was getting aggressive. "H-hey man, I think you should c-calm down," the pro hero said. "Or what?" Izuku asked as his eyes turned red. The pro hero was afraid of what was about to happen and tried to use his quirk, but it didn't work. Izuku pressed the button on his wrist and pulled out a dagger. "H-hey man, you don't have to do this. We can talk about it, okay? I-I won't do this ever again! I won't! I promise, just don't kill me, please!" the pro hero yelled as he had both of his hands up in defense. "Oh don't worry...I know you won't do this ever again...And I am gonna make sure of it," Izuku said as he stabbed the pro hero in the head with the dagger.

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