Chapter 22: Deal

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It has been a month since the sports festival. Touya and Izuku go out at night to do their vigilante work, Touya is going to work, Izuku and Mei have school, and Midnight is working as a substitute teacher. The students have started their pro hero agencies and Izuku is teaching Eri basic knowledge for a kindergarten to 1st grade. While he was doing his work, Eri watched Izuku do his work and asked to give it a go. Eri tried and she got it right everytime. Izuku decided to teach her middle school and freshman math since she was that intelligent.

Izuku and Touya are out at night and looking around the city perusal. Izuku decided to bring his sword with him because he had a bad feeling something was going to happen. As they were going around, they were talking to each other when they spotted two people fighting. "Who are they?" Touya asked. "I don't know. Let's get closer," Izuku replied. They got closer and saw some red headed guy with a sword fighting pro hero: Ingenium. The red-headed man used his sword and cut the pro hero's cheek and liked his blood. The pro hero launched at the guy and suddenly stopped and fell to the ground. "Why did he collapse like that?" Izuku thought. "It must be his quirk," Touya said. "Explain," Izuku said. "He just cut his cheek and licked it. As soon as he licked it, he collapsed. His quirk must be a blood control type of quirk," Touya replied. "Good observation," Izuku said.

The red-headed guy walked up to the pro hero and was about to kill him when Touya and Izuku jumped down in front of him. The red-headed guy jumped back and still had his sword up in a striking position. "Well well well, look what we have here. The forgotten one and his little helper. I was hoping to meet you." "Who are you?" Touya asked. "I will give my name out when I am ready to. You guys kill villains and fake pro heroes. So why don't you step aside and let me finish the job," The guy said. "Tell us why you think he is a fake pro hero. If your answer satisfies me then I will let you do it. If not, I will fight you and defend this pro hero," Izuku said.

The guy stayed quiet for a moment before he put his sword into his sheath. He was about to sit down when he saw the pro hero behind them was about to get up. Touya walked over to the pro hero behind him and held him down. "Let go of me!" Ingeuim yelled. "We made a deal, so wait here patiently like a good person, then we will let you go. Until, stay," Izuku said. The three guys turned their attention to the red headed guy who is now sitting down on the ground. "I was about to kill him because he got in my way. I was trying to kill a villian, but he wouldn't budge. So, I was about to kill him," The guy said. "So you were about to kill him because he got in your way. I'm sorry man, but that is a dumb reason to kill someone for," Touya said. "I agree," izuku added. "I will explain further if you knock him out. This pro hero here has no business in knowing this information at the moment," he requested.

Izuku looked back at Touya and he nodded. Ingeuim tried to say something before Touya hit the back of his neck. "Alright, explain," Izuku said. "The guy I was chasing is connected to the league of villains. He was giving out information about the events for different things," he replied. "So you think there is a mole too," Touya said. "Yup, and thought he was an innocent young UA student," the guy said.

Touya and Izuku looked at each other as if they were talking. The both soon nodded and looked back at the vigilante in front of them. "As good as your reason is, but it doesn't justify why you should kill an innocent hero," Touya said. Before he could reply, he stopped talking when they heard sirens coming from police cars. "It looks like it is time for me to go. It was nice talking to you guys. Oh, my vigilante name is the hero killer. May be lame to you, but it explains my hobby," the hero killer said as climbed up a building. Izuku and Touya left shortly, leaving the pro hero who had been awake since the sound of the sirens getting closer.

They continued their night and climbed up buildings. Izuku got on top of one building and Touya was about to wait until Izuku put up his finger to let him know to wait. He looked around and saw the pro heroes standing in a line as if they had been waiting for a while. "Hello, the forgotten one. I'm glad we get to meet again," Nezu said as he popped out of Aziawa's scarf. "What is this about?" Izuku asked. "This is a conversation I want to have with you. Just me, you, and your friend who is hiding on the other side of the building," Nezu replied. ZIuku looked back to see Touya pop his head up and walked beside Izuku. "Whatever you are thinking, won't work. They surrounded us, so there is no escaping," Touya whispered. "I guess it is important for you to be here in the flesh. Since you always hide behind your desk," Izuku said. "I will negotiate a deal with you," Nezu said.

The two are very suspicious by the sudden offer. "What could he possibly want?" Izuku thought. "With you guys being silent, I guess you guys want to hear it. We will not attempt to arrest nor capture you if you watch class 1-a and class 1-b while they are on their trip," Nezu said. "And you will arrest us now if we decline," Izuku said. "Yup," Nezu said. "What's the catch?" Touya asked. "Once the trip is over, we will go back to the way things are. You guys will continue what you are doing right now, and we will arrest you in the future," Nezu replied.

Izuku was going to accept the deal when Touya spoke up. "Why are you trying to make a deal with us instead of catching us now. I mean, this is a perfect moment for you. You are surrounding us with many pro heroes on feet in and by wings. Why waste your time?" "Since you guys are strong enough to kill the nomu that attacked the USJ and defeated the top two pro heroes, it tells us you are strong enough to go up against who or what could show up," Nezu replied. "So you are using this chance to use us as your dog and do what you desire at the moment,"Touya said. Nezu didn't say anything, but nodded while smiling.

With the information Izuku got from the information made him chuckle. "As expected by the smartest person alive...or...rat. What do you think?" Izuku asked. Touya stayed quiet for a moment before he agreed to the deal. "Great! Everyone go on about your business, and leave. Oh and what do you go by?"Nezu asked. "...dabi," Touya replied. "Alrighty then, are you later the forgotten one and dabi. We will meet at this place again in the next two weeks," Nezu said.

All of the pro heroes who were surrounding them left the area. They looked around and saw they were all gone. "Do you think he will keep his word?" Touya asked. "I have learned a thing or two, Nexu isn't the type of person who would break his word. Once he says it, he means it," Izuku replied.

They were about to leave and go home when they heard a loud, similar, yell. They turn around to see Endeavor and All Might standing there furriated. "Can I help you?" Izuku asked. "Why did you put one of our strong pro heroes in the hospital? You don't have enough blood on your hands or something?" Endeavor asked. "Endeavor, you say that as if you don't have any on yours," Izuku replied. All Might looked at Endeavor and waited for him to respond, but he didn't. All Might didn't understand why he didn't say anything. Usually, he would yell back or attack, but he didn't. "What's wrong? Scared?" Izuku asked. "How dare you taunt us and why aren't you saying anything?" All Might yelled. "He isn't saying anything because he knows he isn't in the right. Not even you," Touya replied. "What are you talking about? Don't lower me to this bastard's level," All Might asked. "All you need to know is he knows what we are walking about," Touya replied. "And you deserve to be on his level too because you have left many people to die when you are supposed to protect. You let the title of the no. 1 hero gets to you, and lets people die in your hands. Do you know why there are so many villains and villain groups? It's because the pro heroes failed to protect. You probably have something to do with the LOV too," Izuku added.

The two pro heroes stayed quiet at the response Izuku gave them. All Might is talking about how quiet he is, but look at him now; silent. "You guys came to us to probably have a reason to fight, but all you guys are doing is making yourselves look worse than you already are. Now unless you want to be on the news, dead, I advise you to leave," Touya said. The pro heroes looked at each other and started to walk off when Izuku yelled at Endeavor. He looked back to see Izuku staring at him. "I heard your little conversation with Shoto at the sports festival. Do that again and I will make sure you suffer more than you have already," Izuku said. Endeavor hands started to shake and nodded his head quickly and walked away. 

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