Chapter 13: Lesson

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Izuku couldn't believe what he just did. He was talking to Shinso this whole time without even realizing it. Shinso noticed he was staring at him for a while and got worried. "Are you okay?" Izuku turned his head and gave him a thumbs up. Shinso waved goodbye and went down the ladder. "I can't believe I just talked to him. Ugh! He is going to bother me so much now," Izuku thought as he headed back to Midnight's house.

It is late at night and everyone is asleep except Midnight. She was waiting for Izuku's arrival while reading a book. "Hey, how did it go tonight?" Izuku puts his black mask on the table while moving his mask to the left side of his face. "No bad guys were out today, but I ran into someone I wish I never did," Izuku replied. "What happened?" Midnight asked. Izuku walked over to midnight and sat next to her. "I had a little chat with Shinso without realizing it until his hood fell off of his head," Izuku replied. "What did you guys talk about?" midnight asked. "He asked me for advice about our situation. I told him how that person probably feels and I think I just gave him an idea on how he should fix the situation. Now, he won't leave me alone starting tomorrow probably," Izuku replied.

Midnight chuckled at the amount of frustration Izuku had, but she was happy. "At least you got to tell him how you feel," Midnight said. "What do you mean?" Izuku asked. "I mean that you told him how you felt about the situation. Since you are the one he was talking about, you were able to tell him what he could have done wrong. How do you feel now?" Midnight asked. "I guess you can say I feel better," Izuku replied. "Great! Now go to bed. It is almost midnight," Midnight said as she got up from the couch and walked up to her bedroom.

It is the next morning and everyone is awake in the house. Midnight agreed to drop Izuku off while Mei was getting ready for the day. In the car, Izuku noticed Midnight was dressed up as if she was going on a date. "Where are you going?" Midnight didn't turn her attention from the road and replied to him. "There was a meeting that was called for all pro heroes to meet at UA with Nezu.....They want to talk about you and what they should do about the whole situation," Midnight replied. "Oh..." Izuku said.

The two remained silent throughout the rest of the drive until they reached his home. Izuku got out of the car, grabbed his bag, and was about to open the door when Midnight called his name. He turned around to see a smiling woman in the car waving towards him. "Stay safe!" Midnight yelled. Izuku smiled and waved back towards Midnight. He turned around and entered the house. Midnight brought her hand down and put her hands back on the steering wheel. "It's going to be a loooong day."

Izuku walked upstairs to his room. He expected Shinso to be in his room or his father, but he was surprised he wasn't in there. He entered his room and placed his stuff in his. He flopped on top of the bed before he heard a sound of someone knocking on his door. He lodgely got up and opened the door to see someone he didn't want to see. "Hey, y-" Shinso was interrupted by the sound of Izuku slamming the door in his face. Shinso knocked on the door again and he didn't open the door. He knocked the door again, except more aggressively. Izuku swung the door wide open and glared at him. "You sure don't know what it means when someone closes the door on you, do you?" Izuku asked. "Look...I just want to talk," Shinso replied. "I already told you to leave me alone," Izuku said as he started to close the door. Shinso quickly puts his hand in between the door and prevents the door from closing. "I know what you said, and it is not about what you think it is about...." Shinso said. "Then what is this about?" Izuku asked.

Shinso remained quiet for a while before he was able to utter a word. "I just want to talk to you, you know....get to know you." Izuku looked him in the eyes, wondering why he was doing this until it clicked. "Ugh! Right when I thought I could relax," Izuku thought. He looked back at the determined boy in front of him and moved out the way for him to come in. Shinso smiled a little and walked into his room. Izuku sighed, rolled his eyes, and closed the door.

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