Chapter 19: Unwanted Meets

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It is the day before the sports festival and a lot has happened. Not only did Izuku kill a pro hero, but Aziawa hasn't been taking things well. He is trying to talk to Shinso every chance he gets, but he is always pushing him away. Aizawa didn't have Izuku's phone number, so he checked it on his computer and found it. He called the number and Izuku picked up. "Hey um...i-" Before he could finish his sentence the phone was already beeping. Everytime Aziawa called Izuku, it would go straight to voicemail or he would answer and hang up after.

Izuku slammed his phone on the table for the third time that day. Mei was concerned along with Touya and Midnight. "What's up?" Touya asked. "Aziawa kept calling me and won't stop," Izuku replied. "...Why don't you talk to him?" Mei asked. "What's the point in even trying to talk to him? All he is going to do is talk to me sometimes, then everything will go back to the way it was," Izuku replied. "Okay, but you should at least give him a second chance," Mei said. "I told you already I don't want to talk to him, I don't want to see him, and I don't want to breathe the same air as him. I gave him a second chance after another and he still ignored me! And after eight years he suddenly talked to me and the first words that came out of his mouth was why I told Shinso everything! He didn't say hello, he didn't say how are you, he said why! The only reason why he even talked to me is because he has no one else left! The only reason why he is even coming to me in the first place is because he is mad and he doesn't want to be alone!" Izuku replied. "I get that, but you should at le-" "Look Mei, you can't fix everything like they are robots! Especially relationships that have been broken for a long time! SO STOP!" Izuku yelled.

Everyone was taken aback by Izuku yelling when. Mei's eyes widened and looked down at the table. Izuku realized what he had done and sighed while rubbing his forehead with his hand. "I'm sorry Mei...It's just, you can't fix everything. I know you want to help, but there are boundaries and when I say stop, please stop...Don't just continue," Izuku said as he got up from his chair. "I'm gonna go cool down," Izuku said as he opened the door. Touya got up from his seat with his cup in his hand. "Wait for me outside!" Touya yelled and Izuku waved and let him know he got the message.

Touya looked back at Mei who was still looking down in her lap. "Hey Mei, don't take it to heart. He is obviously stressed out and upset at his father...But he isn't wrong, you shouldn't pressure something if they don't want it to happen. With me and my father, we would always argue with each other and never agreed on anything. After a really big fight we had, we both splitted ways. He then began focusing on everyone else except his three older children...The day of the fire, it was staged and Overhaul actually hired some people to kidnap me and used the fire as a diversion. Before I was put into the truck, I saw my father begin to cry on his knees. I could see the sadness, the anger, and the realization come over him ...that is the first I have ever seen that old man cry...What I am trying to say is, Aizawa had many chances to fix their relationship, but he obviously didn't care. He didn't care enough to fix it because he thought he would still be tailing behind him. Because he didn't care, he lost his other son because the truth came out. My father didn't pay attention to me and thought I was a waste of space until the fire broke out. The only reason why both of our parents miss us and start to ask for forgiveness, is because something happened to us. Izuku gave him enough chances and he ruined each and every one of them. Because he did, he doesn't get to see him anymore," Touya said. Touya grabbed his jacket and walked to the door where Izuku was standing behind.

Mei and Minight are sitting in the living room for a while after Touya and Izuku left. Midnight could tell Mei was feeling bad for herself. Even though she really wants to help, she seems like she can never get it right. "Hey Mei, you shouldn't think about it that much. Izuku obviously didn't mean what he said and he is sorry," Midnight said. "I know, but I just can't forget's hard," Mei said. "I know, which is why I was thinking we could have a girl out," Midnight said. "That sounds like fun," Mei said. Midnight went up to Eri's room to see her playing with her toys. She asked if she wanted to have a girl out today and she was overly excited. They changed into their clothes and went out to the mall.

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