Chapter 4

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Training for today was fairly routine, allowing Nova the chance to catch up on other work she had to do. (I.E. she managed to avoid Jake after the very awkward confrontation yesterday.)

But after she had finished up her work for the day, she headed to the Hark Deck. Nova had promised to help Amelia out with some homework that the girl was struggling with.

It's been about an hour since Nova arrived. She and Amelia had successfully tackled the issues she was having with math and had moved on to history. But they were soon interrupted when the front door opened.

Maverick walked into the bar, noticing the dog on the floor first. “Hey Theo, you got big,” he says as he kneels down to pet him. Theo just flops over, readily accepting all the love.

“Hey Mav,” Amelia calls out from her spot at the bar. Nova doesn't look up from her phone. “Amelia?” he questions, looking at his daughter for confirmation. Not that she gives him any.

“I know, I got big,” she responds with a slight smile on her face, going back to her homework. Nova simply snorts before looking at the paper.

“Yes,” Maverick replies with a slight laugh.

Amelia simply says, “Bar opens at 5.” She's not sure what Maverick was doing there, especially since he hadn't called out to Nova yet.

“No, I just came by to pay off a debt,” Maverick says. “Is your,” but he gets cut off by Amelia. “Mom!" She calls out.

Maverick stands there swaying, not quite knowing what to say. “Hey, how’s your dad?” He notices too late how Nova is shaking her head, trying to stay away from that specific topic.

“With his wife, in Hawaii,” she quickly responds, not wanting to talk about it. “Mom!” she calls out again.

Penny opens the door to the kitchen. “Mav says he owes you money.”

Maverick takes out a wad of cash to hand to her, squaring up what he owned from the previous night.

Penny tried to deny it. “Oh, don’t worry about it.” Nova and Amelia side eye the two, eavesdropping to get all the gossip.

“I insist,” Maverick tells her. She reluctantly takes the money from him. “Thank you Captain. Consider your tab closed”

“Captain? Still?” Amelia asks, slightly teasing. She laughs a little when Nova lightly jabs her in the stomach.

“A highly decorated Captain,” Maverick replies instantly, very used to this reaction. Amelia just shakes her head, watching as Nova mimes her dad.

Penny leans over the bar to look at the girls. “Finish up, we’ve got to get the boat to the yard.”

“I can’t go,” Amelia immediately tells her. “What do you mean you can’t go?” Penny asks, confused.

“Test tomorrow, I have to study. They only told us today,” she defends.

“Well I can’t sail her alone,” Penny says, as she looks at her daughter.

“Just use the engine,” Amelia says, not remember the problem.

But Penny is quick to remind her. “Why are we taking her to the yard?” “To fix the engine,” they say together.

Maverick interjects, “I can help.”

Penny, Amelia and Nova all exchange a look. Amelia simply raises her eyebrows at her mom, well aware of the history between the two.

"I've got her, Pen," Nova informs the mother. "We can have a movie night at my place. I'll bring her back in the morning before school."

Penny jokingly thinks about it for a moment. "Well if you insist."

And once Penny and Maverick walk out the door, Nova turns to Amelia. "Hurry up chickadee, we've got another bird to pick up."

☽☆☾   ☽☆☾   ☽☆☾

Nova pulls up the base just as the aviators are leaving for the day. Amelia barely waits for the car to be parked before she jumps from it.

"LeeLee," she yells out as she runs straight at the man. Her shout grabs everyone's attention, although the man in question drops his bag immediately and opens his arms.

"Hey Lia," he greets the girl as he picks her up in a bear hug. "God you're getting big."

Nova walks up to the group as Bradley sets Amelia down. The other aviators are, rightly, confused.

"Everyone, this is Amelia. She's Penny's daughter," Nova explained seeing the looks she was getting.

Amelia waves her hand in greeting and a few wave back at her.

"We're having a movie night at my place, I've got her for the night," Nova explains to Bradley. She had swung her arm around Amelia's shoulders, pulling the girl into her side.

It was clear to everyone the two girls were close. They just had no idea how close.

"Mom had to take the boat to get fixed and Mav ever so graciously offered to help, since I've got a test coming up."

There was something off in Amelia's voice that both Nova and Bradley picked up on. And while the others didn't know the girl much at all, even they could sense something in her tone.

"What's going on Lia?" Bradley questions, keeping his voice low. It didn't help much as there was no other sound, so all could hear it.

Amelia looks away for a moment, while Nova gives her shoulders a squeeze. "It's just," she pauses, trying to find the words.

"Mom's heart isn't the only one that gets broken every time he leaves."

Nova's eyes snap up to hers as Bradley shifts his way over to give her a side hug. "We can talk about this more tonight if you want," he whispers to her. It's awkward enough with the other aviators who are trying their best to not appear to be listening.

Amelia just nods her head before swiftly making her way to Nova's car. Nova herself just sighs before looking at Bradley.

"Be at my place by 7, dinner and movies start promptly at 8."

Bradley gives her a mock salute before she waves goodbye to the others and get in her car.

They all watch as the two girls leave before Bradley lets out a sigh. "I have a feeling tonight is not going to go well."

"Good luck Rooster. You're gonna need it," Phoenix is the one to give him those words of encouragement before they all go their separate ways for the evening.

"I'm gonna need it."


Word Count: 1,058

Short chapter today, especially compared to last chapter. But we are starting to get into Nova's found family moments!!

Amelia is the youngest (obviously) so she is the baby sister to Nova, Bradley and JJ. I can't wait to explore more of their sibling dynamic, which will be highlighted in the next chapter.

So until then, bye guys!!!

So until then, bye guys!!!

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