Flash Forward

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After the excitement that was Nova revealing she was pregnant again, things calmed down. For two weeks at least. 

Because two weeks after Nova announced they were expecting, so did Taylor. 

Nova looked at JJ and simply said “you couldn't let me have this alone, could you?” 

To which JJ replied, “you DID! This is your SECOND kid!” Nova couldn't argue that point. 

But Taylor was glad she was going through this with Nova. First, Nova had already experienced pregnancy, so Taylor could talk to her about it. But second, they hit a lot of milestones around the same time, so it made things more manageable and easier for the two women. 

The two couples decided to do a joint gender reveal with close friends and family. Mav was already excited for another grandchild but to also have Ice's grandchild coming was special. (He had pulled JJ aside when they told everyone and expressed how proud Ice would be. JJ didn't even try to hide the tears.) 

The party was chaotic, but what would you expect? They had decided to use cake for the reveals, with the icing being the indicator. Since this was JJ and Taylor's first child, they went first. 

So together, they cut into the cake and on the count of three, pulled out the piece to reveal BLUE!! They were having a boy!! 

Neither JJ nor Taylor cared what gender their baby was going to be, they were just so happy to be having them. But a boy was a little bitter sweet, without Tom there. Sarah definitely hugged her son just a little tighter when she got to him, knowing what he was thinking. 

Nova and Jake were up next. They got into position and did the same and JJ and Taylor. 

And by God, it seemed Jake Seresin was meant to be a girl dad because the icing was PINK!! Skyler was getting a baby sister! 

Bradley, Javy, and JJ had a good laugh at that, only imagining the karma that would be coming to Jake Seresin as his daughters grew older. 

Soon enough, the women were going into labor, only a week apart. 

Luna Seresin was born first, already looking like a carbon copy of her father. (Though Mav argued that she had the Mitchell nose.) And the minute she smiled, anyone could see she had her mother's smile, even at only a week old. 

Alexander Thomas Kazansky was born a week after Luna, named after his late grandfather. Sarah had cried when they told her the idea months prior but no one else knew. It was one of the few times they had witnessed Mav shed tears. (Other than his own granddaughters’ births). 

Both Nova and Taylor were physically and mentally exhausted but they had each other and their husbands. Not to mention Skye was already being a good and dutiful older sister,  giving her mom and Aunt Taylor updates when they would sit down. 

But the two babies were healthy and happy. That was truly all the families could ask for.

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Only a few months after the births of Luna and Alex was another major milestone for the ever growing family (extended and all). 

Amelia was graduating college. As the youngest ‘sibling’ in the group of four, she was just waiting to finally be considered an adult. Even after she turned 18, it did nothing. (Hate to break it to you, Amelia, but you will always be the baby, doesn't matter your age). 

The actual ceremony, only Penny, Mav, and Nova attended, as well as Amelia's Dad and step mom, though Amelia wasn't all too happy about that. (He really hadn't stepped up, especially since finding out Maverick was back in the picture with Penny). 

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