Chapter 9

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Nova began to stir, sleep trying to drag her back under its spell. The warmth surrounding her didn't help at all, lulling her back into a light sleep before she felt something tighten around her waist.

And then suddenly, everything came rushing back.


She had slept with Jake. She had literally just told him she needed time and space to think. How the hell did she go from that to back in his bed? Well, her bed technically, but still.

Slowly, she turned around in Jake's arms to face the man. It seems he had already been awake, his eyes staring right back into hers.

"Morning," she whispered, not quite sure what to say. Jake just gives her a little smile before repeating her statement.

"I uh," Nova stutters out. "I need to get ready." She goes to get out of the bed wanting to escape this situation as fast as possible but Jake tightens his arm around her.

"Nova we need to talk about this before we leave today. You know neither of us will be able to focus properly if we don't." Jake makes a good point. Already, Nova knows she won't be able to forget this.

She sighs, sitting up. Because if she stayed laying down, she was going back to sleep. "I meant what I said the other night. I do need time to think about all of this."

"I know," Jake tells her. He was well aware of her thought process and how it worked. "But we both know what happened last night was inevitable. We've never been able to stay away from each other for long."

Neither chose to mention that they made it two years this last time.

"I told you the other night that I would wait. That hasn't changed. Whatever you decide I will go along with." He was really not helping Nova's thought process. How could she think clearly when he kept telling her things like this?

Nova bit her lip before responding. "I remember. And I know it's not fair to you. But I will say this. Yesterday did give me things to consider."

Jake smirks at her.

"Not that you asshole," Nova hits his chest as he laughs. "The way you were on the beach and how you played the game. It reminded me of what we were like together. What I missed."

This time, he smiles at her. A smile that, seemingly, was reserved only for her. He began to move from the bed. "I should head to my place to get ready for training. But I'll see you there. Ok?"

Nova smiles back at him. "I'll see you there."

And before she can process his actions, Jake leans down to press a kiss to her forehead. Nova's eyes flutter shut at the feeling, staying closed even as he stands back up and leaves. They don't open again until she hears the front door close.

Nova flops back onto her bed.

"I am so screwed."

☽☆☾   ☽☆☾   ☽☆☾

Finally, on base for the day, the detachment was ready to tackle the course once more. The beach had done wonders for their communication with each other.

Maverick was finally able to inform them of the rest of their mission. Just how hard this would push them, their bodies and their planes. Every aviator had done a few runs by themselves to get used to the amount of G's they would be pulling.

And soon enough, it was time for the first round of teams. Nova hooked up their vitals to her tablet, taking a seat on the couch in the break room while the others huddled closer to the radio.

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