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Maverick's Blessing
The most nerve wracking thing Jake has ever done was ask Maverick for his blessing.

At this point in time, Maverick had known Jake for just under a year, both as a pilot and as his daughter's boyfriend. Maverick was always a step ahead of the younger pilots in the air, so why would it be any different on the ground? Besides, it was bound to happen eventually, even a blind person could see how much Jake and Nova loved each other.

So when Jake went with Mav to his hanger in the desert on their one day off, he knew exactly what was coming.

Now, Jake wasn't one to beat around the bush. He was direct and blunt as always. But this… this had him shaken a bit. He was nervous.

Maverick decided to put him out of his misery.

“Yes, Jake.”

He says this in such a way that he could be answering a million different questions. But both men know what he is truly answering.

“I haven't even asked a question yet,” Jake says back. Although his nerves did calm down a little at the abrupt statement from the older man.

Mav gives him a look, all but daring him to finally say it out loud. Jake sighs, before putting down whatever he had in his hands.

“I love your daughter, have since the moment I saw her practically. I already let her go once, I'm not about to make that mistake again. And although I know Nova has said she doesn't care, as she can make her own decisions, I know your opinion is important to her. So, here goes,” Jake takes a deep breath. “Maverick, I'd like to marry your daughter. Do I have your blessing to do so?”

He holds his breath needlessly, because Mav has already answered the question. But Jake needs to hear it again, just to be sure.

Mav smiles, a smile Jake had only seen a few times himself. “Jake, there is no one else on this planet that makes Nova as happy as you do. I gladly give you my blessing.”

And for the first time, and certainly not the last, Maverick brings Jake in for a hug. Happy to know his one and only daughter (biologically speaking) had found someone who loved her to the moon and back.

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The Brothers’ Blessing
The second most nerve wracking moment of Jake's life was talking to Rooster and JJ about his plans to propose to Nova.

Again, both men saw it coming. While Nova and Jake were pretty good at hiding their relationship the first time around, they were not subtle this time.

They looked at each other like no one else was around and they were the last two people alive. It was quite obvious what the next step was.

This time, while Jake was still a bit nervous, he was slightly more at ease already having Mav's blessing. But again, JJ and Bradley meant a lot to Nova and their opinions held a lot of weight. (That much had been obvious since the night all their relations were revealed.)

The three men were finishing up at the gym, occasionally going to get a workout together. (I know the three of them together?? But they made it a competition, so that made up for it.)

On their way out to the cars, Jake stopped them for a moment. This was the last chance to get them alone for a while. Better to kill two birds with one stone.

“I've already talked to Mav but I wanted to talk to you two anyways,” Jake began, looking at the two men. Bradley and JJ exchanged glances briefly, having a good idea what this was about.

“Your thoughts and opinions matter to Nova, so I wanted to tell you I'm planning on proposing soon. I already have Mav's blessing, but I would like to have yours as well.”

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