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Skyler Seresin was a surprise, to say the least.

Considering her parents didn't know they were pregnant at their wedding, she was quite the surprise.

So when the newlyweds came back from their honeymoon and Nova started to feel sick, she took a test. (She was convinced she just had a bug, as it was too soon for anything that happened on the honeymoon to show.)

Luckily, Jake still had a few days off after they returned home, so he was home when she took the test.

"Jake," Nova said shakily, but it came out as more of a whisper. Clearing her throat, she called louder. He came running, not sure what was wrong.

Appearing in the doorway to their bedroom, Jake walks in. "What's wrong..." He trails off, seeing the test in her hands. "Nova, is that..?" He can't even finish the question.

She looks up, tears in her eyes. "I'm pregnant." Jake stands in shock for a few moments before swooping down and picking up his wife.

Nova lets out a little scream of surprise, quickly wrapping her arms around his neck. "I take it you're happy?"

Jake answers by kissing her, hard and fast. "A mini you for me to love? Of course I'm happy"

The food Nova craved was just plain weird. Combinations people would never think work together, she was devouring like no tomorrow.

Lately, she had been loving a strange combo of Pizza and Ice Cream. Not necessarily together, but not separate. She would have a bite of pizza, and then a spoonful of ice cream, whatever flavor she wanted. The first time she did it, Jake stared at her like she had two heads.

She had some of the normal ones, like wanting anything sweet and an undying love for pickles, despite actually despising pickles. (JJ got a kick out of that one.)

Luckily, there weren't too many moments that made those around her want to vomit, but there were some sensitive stomachs to her combos, especially when no one could deny her when she offered some.

Final Month
Being the first one pregnant in her group was scary. The last month, Nova felt she could do anything. She had officially awarded her maternity leave with three weeks until her delivery date. She wanted to go longer, but her boss had seen how exhausted Nova had been, and being a mother of three herself, she knew how hard that final month was.

Penny would be over to check on her during the day when Jake was on base. He didn't start paternity leave until the week before her delivery date. Both Penny and Sarah had been Godsents in this entire process. Nova had never really felt the absence of a mother until she was pregnant. Even for her wedding, Penny and Sarah were there every step of the way, so she didn't feel that loneliness.

Sarah, having more than one kid, knew all the tricks and trades of soothing the body. Massages, warm presses, and stretching were all things she told Nova to do, whenever she had the chance.

Jake, of course, had been nothing but supportive. He had put together the final details of the nursery when the items finally arrived. And he was a pro at putting up with and dealing with Nova's mood swings. One minute she's happy as can be, the next she's sobbing because "the baby shoes are just so tiny! Our baby is gonna be so small!"

But soon enough, the baby was ready to make her appearance, in a way her parents would never forget.

The day Skyler Seresin came into the world was a hectic one.

First of all, she was already a week late. Second of all, they were grocery shopping, when Nova's water broke.

Yea, not the best place for that to happen. But Jake wasn't about to leave Nova home alone to go food shopping when she was overdue. In fact, the next day they were going in to induce her, but they wanted to stock up on some necessities for after they came home.

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