𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡

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Cara Hendersons pov

"Pancakes?" I thought about the memory of my birthday, I had came down the stairs and found a huge stack of pancakes waiting for me. Rory was there, pouring a thick cup of syrup on the stack and I watched him do it, completely mesmorized.

"Yup, for the birthday girl, eighteen years old!" He yelled and I laughed as his unnecessary outburst, he was always so loud it was so annoying and yet I should have appreciated it more.

"Hey...cara" a voice snaps me out of my dream state and I look up to find a different man, one with a more cleaner and more sculpted mask. He didn't have a hood so I could see his hair, completely shaved thin. He was wearing a black T-shirt that had made his muscles beneath visible heavily. His jeans were tight against his legs, thick and heavy. He was familiar...I had met him before haven't I?

I don't answer, instead I could feel the beginning of a painful period coming as my stomach begins to hurt, and I know I would bleed through my clothes eventually.

"I uh....let's go" he comes over to me and kneels down, unlocking my cuffs. I should have used that to my advantage, and instead I didn't, instead I stare at him, looking at his eyes as he watched me closely. He grabs leather cuffs from his pocket and tightens them around my wrists, pulling me up. He grabs the clothes from a few hours ago and the bag he was carrying in his hand and motions for me to follow him.


"No. Don't speak" his voice was demanding as it was gentle, not too rough and yet had this sort of kind tone to it.

He digs through the bag and thankfully I see  bag of pads but I also see a blindfold.


He sets everything down and comes up behind me, putting the blindfold over my head and over my eyes, darkness surrounding me.

"Precautions" his lips are suddenly by my ear and I take a sharp breath, his breath warm against my ear.

With that I hear a bag rustling and I'm suddenly pulled by the cuffs, being led by darkness. I didn't know how to react, I was so...calm? I should be freaking out...but I wasn't and wasn't sure why.

I'm led up stairs and I hear a door open and after that complete silence, a door shutting behind me. The blindfold is yanked off and I'm suddenly in a small bathroom, beautifully clean. The shower had colored tiles surrounding it, a shiny toilet, clean sink. Before I have a chance to turn around his hand is on my face and I'm turned towards him, his eyes on mine.

Those eyes...

"You" I recognize the way he's staring, his eyes glaring straight into mine.

"Me...what?" His voice, I recognize it now.

Tilting my head I look at the side of his neck and there...there's the tattoo...

I should have known...even in his eyes there's a dark and glooming and yet kindness beneath it and I recognize it from that night at the club...

"From the club..." I danced with him..I can't believe this.

There's two of them...was the other one from the other night at the club? What the fuck was happening?

"You don't recognize me-"

"I danced with you...I.." I blink at him and he nods, reaching behind his head and pulling the mask off and setting it on the counter. There it is, his beautiful and yet ugly face. The eyes, dark brown, beautiful chocolate brown, plump lips, scruffy faded beard. He somehow looked much older staring at him this close.

"Please just...this doesn't have to happen-"

His hand comes around my mouth, stopping me from talking. His eyes stay on mine and there's a warning look behind them, was he scared because of something else or was he scared of me?

"Don't talk back okay? I'm confused as fuck and it's...alot to deal with. Just get in the shower and clean up okay? Don't try anything either, I'll be right outside the door" he pulls his hand away and stares at me and I didn't even know what to say.

"You're...staying outside?" I was more shocked than confused.

"Would you rather me stay here and watch-"

"No" I shudder and he nods, setting the clothes on the counter.

He unlocks my cuffs and I move my hands freely and before Im thinking or even remotely thinking how it would go my hand moves up to strike his face and he catches my hand before it can connect, his eyes burning into mine.

"I'm trying...cara. but the more you push me, the worse it gets for you. So don't start shit you can't finish" he warns me, his eyes glaring straight into mine.

His grip tightened around my wrist and I bite my lip to prevent from crying out, the pain had been overwhelming as it traveled all throughout my body.

He let's go and I don't say anything, my mind swirling with countless thoughts. He grabs his mask and heads out the bathroom, slamming it.

I turn to face the mirror, looking at myself.

As bad as the cramps were...I couldn't exactly tell you what was going through my mind right now. I was..angry that I could be such a moron, I was even more angry my period decided to come at the worst moment and day possible, I was exhausted on sleeping on that I comfortable matress, I was hungry and extremely emotional, but most of all I was confused. Because he could have let me starve, bled on myself, shit anything...and yet he didn't.

Which only made me wonder why he would be so kind to be...and yet trap me here as his personal pet.

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now