𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓

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Travis Crashaws pov (murderer #1)

Sitting across the table from her felt almost normal it was terrifying as fuck, I couldn't help but think of this would be like this if I hadn't taken her.

"I don't know-"

"I don't trust you around forks..or fucking butter knifes. So you either let me feed you or..I eat and you watch" I wasn't that cruel necessarily..but I could be.

She stares wide-eyed and I chuckle, grabbing a glass and before I think about pouring some champagne there's a sudden change that hits me and I realize I need something stronger.

Heading to the alcohol cabinet my brother keeps for his selfish desires, I trade it for a large bottle of tequila and set it on the table, her eyes on mine the whole entire time.


"Shush" I growl, opening the bottle and pouring myself a large glass. Before thinking I chug it all down, the burning sensation makes me groan. Slamming the glass down my tongue feels fuzzy, the lemon taste lasts a bit longer than it should have.

"Now...are you going to eat?" I ask her, my eyes beginning to feel wierd.

She nods slowly and I grab some spaghetti from her plate using my fork and lift it up to her lips and she parts them, letting me slip the fork inside.  She bites down and eats the spaghetti off the fork, her eyes closing softly. I had tried not to let my mind wonder but the sound she made had sent a shiver down my spine and now I wasn't sure if this was a good idea anymore.

She chews it slowly and grab some spaghetti from my plate, chewing it quickly. I wasn't that bad of a cook, I knew how to make some dishes..I just want a chef or anything so she shouldn't expect me to throw down or some shit.

Pouring another glass of tequila I chug it down faster than the first glass, burning even worse the second time it goes down.

"Can I.." she motions towards the tequila and I pour just a little bit and she frowns.

"You don't drink remember?" I remind her and she turns bright red as she remembers our encounter last time at the bar.

Lifting the cup to her lips I tilt it back and she swallows the liquid, her eyes squinting slowly. After she drinks it she sucks in a breath and I can tell she's never drank anything in her life, her reaction says it all.

"Well?" I ask.

"It's...sour" she squirms and I feel myself smirk...actually smirk..what the fuck was happening?

Within multiple cups passed from both of us I was lightheaded, dizzy, drunk. I was definitely a lightweight and hated it but drunk anyways, I didn't care about the outcome. After we both finish our food I drunkenly clean up the plates and lean against the counter as I stare at cara in the chair, her eyes on mine.

"What?" I slur, she had a huge staring problem that's one of the many reasons why I hated her.

Hate was a strong word...so why did I hate her? I couldn't tell you..the alcohol fogged up my memory and my mind very easily.

"Nothing...you just..look..."her voice seemed slowed down, as if she was slurring her speech. Was she drunk too? Had I given her too much alcohol?

"Look what cara? Fucking say it" I glare, she had a mouth so why was it so hard for her to speak?

"Hot!" She yells and she's suddenly giggling, shaking her head as if she couldn't believe she had said that.

She considered me hot? Why the fuck would she do that?

"Your hot..too" I found myslef saying, the words tumbling out quicker than I wanted it too. She was insanely attractive...it was one of the reasons I liked her...had I liked her or hated her?

"I am?" She smiled innocently and I didn't know what I was doing, I was unchaining her and she was suddenly free, staring at me with her small warm eyes.

"Why.." she didn't even reach for the door..she just stared at me confused, moving her wrists.

Fuck if I know..

"I don't know..." I step towards her, the alcohol pulsing through my veins quickly. I couldn't think, all I could feel was the heat of her body, the intensity of her gaze, the air around us seeming to get thicker by the second. She sucks in a breath as I'm inches away from her, the alcohol completely taking over.

Back away, get away before you do something you will regret tomorrow, my conscious told me.

So why wasn't I moving?

"Wait.." she was panting, her lips begging for mine. She could run..why wasn't she running? Why was she staring at me like that, with that hunger in her eyes?

Before I can step back she reaches her hand out and touches my neck, her fingers skimming over the tattoo beneath my jaw. Her tiny fingers only fuel the fire that burns in my body, the alcohol adding more intensity than ever before. Her fingers strum down my neck and down my collarbone, playing with the buttons on my shirt. Where was she going with this? Why did I need her to keep going?

"Do you want me to stop? I'm sorry-"

"Fuck no keep..." I hear myself growl, not wanting that fire to disappear before it was even fueled.

Not here..it was too open, not enough space for us both.

"Can...we go.." I ask her, I actually asked...what was she doing to me?

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now