𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌

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John Crashaws pov (murderer #2)

The shower stops to a holt on the other side of the door and I wait anxiously, my patience running thin. She had spent almost twenty minutes there and I was considering bursting in there and shutting off that damn water but I wasn't cruel...

Just an asshole.

"Hurry the fuck up!" I bang on the door and I hear a soft gasp from the other side, a sudden smile plastered on my face.

"I am...fucking geeze.." I hear her mutter.

I hadn't known what had snapped, either her attitude towards me or the sudden balls she had grown overnight, but the door is open and I'm stepping in, glaring right into her eyes. She had wrapped a towel on, clinging to her tiny body. Her hair was wet and damp, her face clear and fresher from the shower. She wasn't necessarily ugly, but I had been pissed off by her too many times I wouldn't be gentle with someone like her and that's probably what she wants.

Wait..since when did it fucking matter what she wanted?

It doesn't.

"Look at you suddenly bold" I glared, my anger rising slightly. She steps back from my range and I stare at her, flaring my eyes right into hers. Her eyes widen and her lips part slightly, squeezing her fists against her hips. What the fuck would that do? Her and her fucking smart little remarks is pissing me off more than her not eating, she had slept which was...fine I guess but she hadn't eaten in three days.

"I..." She stammered, shielding her body.

Smirking I stare her down and up, slowly roaming over her body.

"Can.." she stuttered, she couldn't form a sentence with me staring at her and I shook my head, turning and heading out the bathroom door. She was scared of me, and she should be because she didn't even wanna know what was running through my mind.

This was something new, we had had her for a few days and had wanted to test this experiment to see how she would react. We had set the dining table up, food and plastic silverware for her to see how she would react. The door was just a few inches away but she couldn't leave if she wanted too. She finally comes out and I fasten the cuffs around her wrists, leading her towards the table. Travis was already there, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He was wearing jeans and a shirt and her eyes roam him head to toe before sitting down, her eyes meeting mine as well. Was this just something with women?

Do they just get horny as fuck all the time?

Chaining her to the table, I sit next to her and sigh heavily as I sit down finally. I didn't know how this would go..but I had hoped it wouldnt be that bad considering she was smarter than most..

"So?" I gesture towards the eggs, bacon, pancakes, orange juice, biscuits. I had made this all earlier and worked so damn hard on this, not that I would need this bitches approval.

"I'm not hungry " she speaks and I turn towards Travis, my fists clenched.

"Can you eat.. something?" He asks and she sighs and nods, lifting her chained hands.

"If I can actually...pick something up".

Glancing at Travis I pull the key from my pocket and unlock her cuffs, releasing her hands and wrists freely. She moves her hands and wrists and reaches for the bacon...before switching towards the butter knife.

Oh fuck.

She grips it tightly and without warning plunges it into my thigh.

"Fuck!" I howl in pain, the jolt shooting through my body.

She rises up and tries to run for the door, but the multiple latches stop her in place. She scans everywhere before running upstairs and Travis gets up and runs after her as I recover from the throbbing pain in my thigh. I take the knife out and blood sprays from my skin, I was sure she hit an artery as thick red blood leaks from my thigh and seeps through the jeans.

I had tried to be nice...fuck being nice, and fuck this bitch.

I don't hear anything anymore, the quietness leaning through the house. Trying to stand, the loss of blood hits me harder than I thought and I set my hand on the table to steady myself. My head begins to spin and I feel myself losing consciousness, I had lost more blood than I thought...and when I come back, I was done with that bitch.

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now