20. Chapter (The Price Sisters)

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The following day, Eliza resolved to remain in her bed, feeling weak and fatigued despite having indulged in a lengthy slumber. However, she was startled by the swift footsteps echoing down the corridor, accompanied by commotion and whispers. The door to her chamber burst open, and Isabella entered, trailed closely by Aileen, compelling Eliza to sit up on her bed in order to catch a glimpse of them.

"Is it true, Eliza? Is it true that St. Arcey has tendered a proposal of marriage?" Bella inquired sharply.

Eliza furrowed her brow. "Pray tell, who relayed such tidings to you?" she cautiously asked, though the query caused her head to spin.

"Her!" Isabella pointed her finger towards Aileen, who wore a mischievous smile. "She claims it occurred within the Gray family's winter garden!"

"I did not sight you within the garden. From whence do you derive such information?" Eliza sceptically questioned Aileen.

"Do not divert the subject, God dammit!" Isabella exclaimed.

The sudden eruption startled both Eliza and Aileen, causing them to cast their eyes solely upon Bella, anticipating her forthcoming utterances.

"Pray, is it veracious?" Bella echoed the query, now adopting a demeanour of refined composure.

Eliza delicately nibbled her lip, a trace of guilt dancing in her eyes, yet in due time, she reluctantly admitted, "Indeed and not, for he proffered his proposal unto me amidst the revelry of Lady Kendall's ball also."

Bella's countenance contorted as though she had tasted something bitter. "And did you acquiesce...?"

Eliza heaved a sigh. She discerned that her sister would persist until she elicited the unvarnished truth. Bereft of plausible excuses, Eliza opted for candour.

"Neither did I accept nor outright decline," she divulged.

Aileen erupted into laughter once more, whilst Bella threw her hands up in exasperation.

"Do you not listen to yourself, Eliza? For months on end, you have scarcely conversed on any other subject save 'Emmett this' and 'Emmett that,' striving to justify to yourself a union with a man towards whom you harbour no genuine sentiments—and do not endeavour to convince me otherwise—only to abruptly conceive desires for another? When did this sentiment between you and the Marquess St. Arcey even materialise?" Bella exclaimed.

"Since when is my matrimonial venture your concern?" Eliza retorted irritably.

Bella's words pierced her raw, yet Eliza resolved not to grant an eighteen-year-old girl, who seemed more mature in that very moment than any adult, the satisfaction she craved.

"I bear no opinions on your marriage, nor it holds interest for me. I am solicitous of Travis for I regard him as a dear friend, and he ought not to be subjected to such treatment from you," Bella declared indignantly.

"Oh, he is a friend to you?! I have not once witnessed the two of you engaged in amiable discourse. If you covet him, utter the word, and I shall promptly spurn his advances," Eliza quipped, shrugging nonchalantly.

"This matter is not about whether I covet him or not. It concerns your repugnant and calculating conduct. I abhor you, and I shall not endure your company until you resolve your own inclinations and cease trifling with the emotions of others. I cannot bear your presence, nor shall I tolerate it until you find clarity within yourself," Bella proclaimed before departing from Eliza's chamber with resolute strides.

Aileen remained with Eliza, chortling at the sight of her vexation.

"You fiery little demon, what were you doing within the Gray family's winter garden?!" Eliza scolded her.

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