37. Chapter (The Chest)

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Daniel wandered through the cobblestone streets of London, his mind immersed in contemplation, unaware of his direction or the passing of time. The late afternoon sky was obscured by brooding clouds, hinting at the imminent release of rain upon the city. However, he paid scant attention to the weather, permitting his feet to lead him without purpose. It was only when he stood before the fence that bordered the Price household in Mayfair that he snapped out of his reverie.

"Blast it," he muttered under his breath, swiftly averting his gaze from the imposing residence in the distance, when he glimpsed a fiery red-haired woman in the corner of his eye. Lynette, a young lass employed as a maid, was traversing the opposite side of the street, having just concluded an errand at the local bakery and returning to the Prices' ancestral abode. Daniel paused for a moment, memories of his mother's tale about a mysterious, vanished redhead maid in Reginald's employ swiftly resurfacing in his mind. Could this be her? Had they unknowingly harboured her within their midst all along?

Aware that mere observation from a distance would yield no answers, he resolved to pursue her, quickening his pace only to prevent her from disappearing behind the fence. With deft agility, he narrowly dodged two horse-drawn carriages that barrelled down the street, closing the distance between him and Lynette. Abruptly stepping into her path, he startled her out of her thoughts.

"My apologies, Miss Lynette. I didn't mean to startle you," he quickly apologised, his manner polished and refined, befitting his standing.

"It's quite alright, Lord... Lord Gray, isn't it? I remember you. You saved me from those ruffians at the tavern. Lord Price later informed me of your noble actions," she responded, attempting a smile. "But how do you happen to know my name?"

"Lord Price indeed shared your name with me, along with the knowledge that you serve in his esteemed family's household here in Mayfair," he responded, gesturing towards the stately home behind him, attempting to be as amiable as propriety permitted.

"Aye," she nodded, her curiosity piqued alongside a certain unease.

"And pray, Miss Lynette, are you content in your present position?" he inquired, studying her countenance intently.

"Aye, Lord Gray, I am content. The Price family has been most gracious toward myself," she answered without hesitation, a glint of sincerity in her eyes.

Daniel reciprocated her smile. "That warms my heart to hear, my dear. However, should you ever contemplate a change, rest assured that we would be delighted to have someone of your calibre at Thornton Hall."

Lynette blinked in astonishment. The idea of being extended a position, especially by the future duke himself, was entirely foreign to her. Nevertheless, she gathered herself and delivered a polite response, expressing gratitude, as the thought of any alteration in her circumstances was not currently under consideration. Why would it be, when she had developed affections for a particular young lord at her present residence?

"Thank you for the offer, Lord Gray. I shall duly consider it."

Inhaling deeply, Daniel expeditiously devised a strategy to broach the topic of Reginald Sullivan without seeming overly direct or manipulative. He conceded that diplomacy was not his forte, a skill better suited to individuals such as Arden Price.

"Miss Lynette, I beseech you to indulge my curiosity for a moment. With whom have you been in service among the families in times past?" he inquired, carefully upholding an air of casual interest.

"Well... I doubt they would recall me enough to provide glowing recommendations," Lynette stammered, her voice tinged with unease.

"For me, it matters less whether they remember you. What I'm particularly interested in is whether you recall them, particularly a certain Reginald Sullivan," Daniel pressed, lowering his voice, hoping to elicit an honest response this time.

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