24. Chapter (More Tricks For Your Mind)

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It took a few more days before Eliza's mind fully recovered from the effects of the potion administered by the deceitful servant at the Grays' grand ball. In that span, only Arden, Elizabeth, and her father paid her a visit. Her father was perceptive to the tension that lingered between her and her younger sisters, especially during their shared morning repasts and evening gatherings, where the twins, ever tight-lipped, exchanged knowing glances whenever he inquired about their companionship with Eliza during the day. However, no matter how diligently he probed for details of that fateful night or the involvement of her sisters in her convalescence, Eliza either found herself unable to recollect or cunningly evaded the subject, for she had no intention of disclosing her own actions, nor those of Travis or Aileen. John sat in the armchair, his gaze fixed upon his daughter with a watchful, yet concerned expression that did not escape Eliza's notice.

"Does something vex thee, father?" she ventured to ask.

John let out a brief sigh. "I am troubled by the conduct of the Duke of Kent—it lacks honourable demeanour. The Duchess of Northumberland suspects him of having some involvement in the incident that transpired under her roof."

Eliza's eyes widened with surprise, and she hastened to sit upright upon her bed. "Surely not, for we have known him near all our lives! Do you believe he could be capable of such an act? What motive could he possibly possess?"

"He may covet our ancestral lands, yet I am unsure of what he would gain by abducting you. The only possibility that occurs to me is a nefarious scheme to extract the password for that locked chest," he paused momentarily, before resuming, "however, today I possess no tangible evidence that would implicate him in any wrongdoing, regrettably. Nevertheless, when next I encounter him at the House, he shall be compelled to provide answers to a number of pressing inquiries, given his consistent evasion of every invitation I have extended to him thus far, be it for a visit or our ball."

Eliza raised a quizzical eyebrow. "Are you and Elizabeth organising a ball?"

Her father bestowed upon her a knowing smile. "Such was the accord with Lady Gray."

"Oh, thy clandestine agreements. Are you not placing too much trust in the hands of that family?" Eliza inquired with furrowed brows.

"Did not Lord Daniel Gray safeguard thy honour?" he retorted.

Eliza let out a disdainful scoff. "What if he contrived it all to foster within us a false sense of reliance upon them?"

"I have pondered that possibility, yet it strikes me as far-fetched given the circumstances. Rather than a traitor, you should regard him as a prospective suitor," John remarked, his grin betraying a hint of amusement.

"Never! He is an odious man!" Eliza exclaimed and swallowed upon recollecting her late musings about Lord Gray touching her inappropriately while attending to her swooned persona.

"An odious man conducts himself in a markedly different manner. Consider, for instance, Leighton, who certainly harbours honourable intentions," John countered, his tone laced with irony.

She knew her father spoke with reason, and thus she refrained from further argument. Verily, she also pondered whether to pose that fervent inquiry that lingered in her thoughts to her brother, albeit recognising the risk inherent in engaging with his spirited disposition. After a moment of silence, John rose from his seat, paternal tenderness emanating from him as he pressed a kiss upon her forehead. Before departing through the doorway, he turned to her once more, offering a parting remark.

"I have observed how St. Arcey gazes at you and seeks your company with regularity. If you do not wish for this unfortunate soul to eventually beseech you for thy hand, you should swiftly dissuade him from his intentions."

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