Chapter 8 Castle 18+

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Amos held my hand stroking my fingers as I felt a tingling pull " I thought is he really a fated mate?" I know, that's how it's supposed to work that's how it is with Draco! I smile.

As the Master walked into the room first I stopped "Amos!" I looked at him " I feel it too Amos, I know!" He pulled me to his chest and kissed me softly " I have loved you Jessie and always will " I kiss him again, breaking for air" We should go! :He nods.

We walk into the meeting room as I sit next to Amos the other Lord's from noble families are somehow already here and some walking in still " What is a human doing here?" I thought "I knew this would happen!"

I take deep breaths preparing my mind for insults. a gaggle of dragoness' walked in " Lord Amos" one of them ran over preening looking at me with Venom in her eyes" Leave now human!" I turn looking her in the eyes  " She will not be leaving, but you will if you try anything!" The old boy surprised me. For a human cattle? I took a breath and looked at the Master I stood and looked at her as she hissed " This human cattle as you say is here from the future to save your dragon asses ,so shut the fuck up!" " Lies "they hissed, Really I have been to the castle before! "She saved my life ,both my sons and grandchildren at the battle five years ago!" The Master dropped the bomb ," I'm proud of you Master!" I smile, as I hear growls around the table.

" That is not possible!" Hey Lord Douschbag think back what do you remember from that day! A dragon somehow put our foes to sleep, and what else? He snarled " I do not remember? You don't remember what the dragon looked like,what did she wear? "Look at my clothes, and now look at me !" I used the guise " Remember me now?" I shot ten dragon rouges that were attacking Amos and two were about to strike you as I did!

" How can a human? " I already told you I am from the future,! Do you know where Master and your Lord's have been the past five years? I say " We have been living in her home from her time with her dragon mate !" Master told them " Lies they chanted " You need proof asshole!

"I will give it to you which way do you want it ? One you can go through to my time with us or, two I can get Draco and our son on visual? I look at a gaggle of pissed of dragoness.

" And one more thing to clear up " Amos and I are mates too!" Are you going with us ,As proof or am I calling getting visual? Amos pulled me into his lap, kissing my cheek get him a visual pressing the teleprompt on my cb Vixen to Draco over and out " Mommy"

Ash get your Sire " Jessie " Draco we need a visual for the other dragonkin! " Close your eyes!" He hissed a flash of light and then they were visual " Hi son!" Amos waved Draco looked my way and nodded.

" There is no way a human birthed that!" He absolutely is our son ,and my dame was human my sire dragon also ! Draco said matter of factly " Look you can't conceive because your to inbred your strong but when you breed to close to your relative family your children begin having fertility issues among others!"

So come with us or work with us to figure out what's driving the dragons to go rouge ! " Well said!" Draco added " Love you sweetheart!" I said with a smile.

As I look around the table I look at all the women who came in with Douschbag I feel for them but I wonder if fertility treatments may help or diet may be affecting them!" What are you looking at human? Hmm "I was just thinking there diet may be affecting there fertility !" My females are well fed ! He growled.

That ,is not what I mean Douschbag "I meant that they may have a imbalance in there vitamins they get from food that they need to conceive!" We are not weak like you human!

" How much fish do you eat?" Fish is good for you but certain kinds of fish have mercury in small amounts that will build in your body and slowly poison yourself! Just saying "I love fish too but be careful of saltwater fishes!"

How can we know what caused the rouges? One of the younger dragon Lord's asked. " Collect mane samples from each of them and send Jessie with them !" I smiled.

" Momma I learned about Sires gate!" That's great baby you help him we will come back soon! " Pinky Promise!" Yes ! I wink at him ,I pulled out a zipper bag who's going to show me the rouges? " Your not going mate!" I'm not ?I look at Amos grinning  We need a strand of mane from each of them for Draco to test! Excuse me ,Master and Lord's I stood up and walked out Amos caught up to me.

" It can wait a little while my mate! he smiled. Amos it's important to me that Ash and Draco accept us!  "So will you be willing to understand that I want you too!"

He already knows  Jessie he knew years ago but avoided coming to you! " He did that because I left him a letter not to look for us,but I called him so ! Let's go I say as I kissed him grabbing me around my waist he flew us up the castle from outside to a room below the turret, sitting me on the balcony he landed softly I really looked at him his white called tail and white iridescent hair his wings were very big like Draco's his claws were sharp but well kept " Is this your room?

" Yes he said taking my hand as we walked in he had a huge bed with the pale white dragon in a blue sky on the blanket I watched him walk in and asked " Would you like snacks and drinks?" That would be nice Amos, as he walked out I took off all my clothes and gear I layed back on the bed waiting for him to come back he came in alone and as he sat them down I hugged him ,he turned around and I kissed him his hands roamed my body as I pulled his belt his pants fell his hands cupped my breast as he licks my nipple I moan and stroke his length he growls lifting me i was laid on the bed he captured my lips peppering kisses down my neck I ran my fingers through his mane kissing is way down my torso his claw gently teased my flower I kissed him passionately as our tounges fought for dominance I moan into our kisses grabbing his tail .

He growls, I feel his tip teasing my entrance as he spreads my legs he thrust in as we moaned he suckled my breast as the thrust coming up for air I licked the shell of his ear making him shiver I feel him swell and throb in me as I tightened around him picking up the pace he thrust harder,faster then deeper Jess ie ,A Amos I have to bite I'm close he thrust again biting as we came together in ecstacy I felt a tingling burn on my chest he kisses his mark right next to Draco's mark he smiles but noticed the scar.

" Mate what is this?" I knew you would ask ! Draco's brother betrayed me so I let him go,he moved in with the other woman!  You cut his mark!" Yes I mean it's no fun seeing your love ,with the other I mean you,and Draco know about each other so were not cheating each other and this is mutual we are family now! " Say that again mate!"

We are family now! He kissed me again " I hope to Sire children soon!" I do too Amos but we have to try to save this place ! He nuzzled my neck.  We should get the samples to Draco love! What am I? Amos smirks " Love" there's a knock at the door.

" Lord Amos " I'll dress Amos "No, you won't mate!" He put on his pants and opened the door while I'm laying there naked as a jaybird ,the dragoness's tracked him down and now found me naked in his bed " How dare you human!" I told you we are mates! " What do you need?" Amos asked them " We are betrothed!" She snarled.

No, we are not it was discussed not decided amongst the elders!  "Amos love we should get back don't we have to go ?"I say hinting .

I will end you,and your boy! I stood up and walked right to her face "Amos if she dares I will kill her!" As I stand there in all my glory Amos draped his shirt around me.

As Master walked over " I heard all of it!" I stand quietly " Young Dragoness, you are not mates ,you got your hopes up without knowing while we were gone !" She can only be his pet! I bit my tounge "No she is our savior!" She is strong ,intelligent, and far more caring than I have ever been and I am proud to have opened my eyes! You will not touch her son ! And she is capable of killing you

She snapped a dragons neck and saved mine! "May I say something?" He nods " I have no intention of making enemies of you let's get past our differences so you can live on to have lots of children with your future mate whoever he is!"

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