Chapter 15 Decision

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I look at Eros in the eyes then to Draco and Amos the three of you only tried to talk to me once "Draco you came to see Ash and lied to me !"

Amos ,you came and said you still love me even though I left you gave up looking for me! "Eros you came to me because of familial bonds feeling strained I told you to go to your mate but you came here in my defense!"

I look at him but, " You never really were honest about your thoughts or feelings!" So Mrs Maize  and Lord Ram please handle this I might come back another day! Okay dear ! I nod as Ash and I borrowed a bike from the soldier and left going to our little house in Louisiana we went inside and washed the blankets, we dried them going straight to bed " I love you son!" He nuzzled my chest soaking in the bath I began to realize that.

Maybe the three dragons who hurt me will want forgiveness but is it too late? A few days passed as I watched Ash,he is no longer my happy son! I look down" Son what do you want to do?" Momma can I visit Grand Sire ?

I will take you as I turned to gather my bag I can't stomach facing the others now ,I will leave for a while I thought as we locked the little house and got on the bike driving past woods and rivers then the hilly pastures of my farm  I pulled in " Have fun son!"

Mrs Maize ran out ,I watched as Ash ran and captured a hug " I will come back for him later!" I said. As  the engine rumbled on the bike .she nodded as I left I went to the lake sitting on the bank I watched the air bubbles in the water as fish swam happily I thought "Although I'm not happy there is no reason for Ash not to be ! " In my heart hope bloomed with his grandparents, later that evening as I pull in at the door. Ash ,came out looking down " Are you mad that I am here ? " he got back off the bike looking at me "Can I stay with grand Sire? " When do you want to come home? He shrugged his shoulders " Son I know you are unhappy with me ! " I love you ! " I say as I left I stopped to eat at a diner.

I order a steak, baked potatoe and green beans as I sat drinking my tea I began eating my food as I casually watched as happy couples come in ,as a group of college kids come sit and talk about there games a pair of cops came in for their lunch break I finish my food I drive back to the little house days alone turned to weeks then I decided to go by I brought meat and put in the freezer I see the children play Ash is practicing I walk over and start practicing with them " Momma!" Yes baby? He hugged me ,as a tear left me "Are we still practicing son?

" We grappled , practice kicks ,and punches me and the kids practice aiming the gun  at the end of the day " Jessie eat with us!" Lord Ram said, and "that's not a request.

" I look up at his ,smirk I look down not answering either way and follow them in " Jessie " Mrs Maize she hugged me I forced a smile I sat at the bar listening the the children " yeah, but I kicked faster!" I'm getting stronger too!" Momma we practice every day! That's great baby! I say looking down and back I smiling  we ate and had dessert " Thank you the food was good!" I say I noticed I had not seen Draco, Eros, or Amos "Momma can you stay?"

Do you really want me too son? Yes please! He asked with tears ," Stay ,your room is always here!" I nod "Alright son I will this time!" That night the kids asked to sing we sang some folk tunes and then the kids went to sleep I sat at the table "Where did they all go?" I asked

" Through the gate! " How will Draco and Eros come back through? " That's up to you !" I thought for a few long minutes " I won't leave them unless that is what they want! "

How will you activate it ? Do you know the  coordinates? " Draco taught Ash!" I nod.
I went to my bed, the sheets were fresh I slept without tears this time  as the smell of coffee wafts  I made my way downstairs " Good morning Mrs Maize!"

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