Sick day - Asami

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You looked at the mounds of paperwork that had accumulated on your desk

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You looked at the mounds of paperwork that had accumulated on your desk. The sight of it alone made you want to cry. Just as you thought you were almost done as well. The clock had just hit 9:55; you were meant to leave two hours ago and yet your here. If you didn't go home now you'd be stuck there for another eternity. So you grabbed a section of the pile, carrying about 15 or so files/documents placed them in you bag and left. Your just going to have to continue at home.

When you got home it was almost 10:15 you thought that your wife would of been asleep but you were proven wrong when you saw her in her robe cleaning the dishes presumably from when she had dinner. You carefully set your bag down on the back of one of the chairs, walked behind your partner to hug her. As you did she rested her body weight on you slightly embracing the action immediately stopping what she was doing prior.
"You okay? It's the fifth time this week you've had to work this late," your wife Asami said concerned for your wellbeing.
"Y-yeah I'm good just a bit tired," you spoke practically yawning your last words.
"Alright remember to eat I'm going to head to bed see you in a few minutes?" She questioned.
" I have a few papers to finish off and I'll be with you,"
"Alright I love you," Asami said giving you a kiss as she walked to your shared bedroom.
You took a seat and began the left over paperwork, your eyes getting heavier with each word you read. By the time you had finished you were exhausted to say the least. It was a miracle you managed to finish the work never mind manage to reach the bed before drifting off. As soon as your head hit the pillow you were out of it, your subconscious taking over pulling you deeper and deeper into your slumber.

The smell of eggs, toast and freshly ground coffee filled your lungs as your eyes gently fluttered open. You sat up scratched your head then walked into the kitchen. Asami was cooking, which she doesn't normally do due to not being awake, two plates at her side a pot of coffee on the table and a pan in front of her.
"Morning beautiful," Asami said as she heard you walk in.
"Hey Hun. W-what are you doing up this early?" You asked yawning slightly as you spoke. Asami lay out the food and replied.
"I'm up because it's nine thirty,"
"What! I was meant to be in work two hours ago!" You shouted frantically running around to leave, "why didn't my alarm go off! My boss is going to kill me!"

Asami sighed walked up to you and took your hands. You tried to pull away to continue to get ready but her grip refrained you from doing so.
"No he won't."
"What do you mean he won't! He hates my guts even if I'm early and worked over time which I do every day he still finds a wa-" she kissed you stopping you mid rant.
"Now why would he do that if your ill?" She said smirking as she walked to the table to take a seat. You stood there absolutely bewildered at her words.
"What on earth are you on about? " You finally spoke after a few minutes of trying to comprehend her words.
"At half six you called in sick due to being up all night and your amazing wife took a day off from work to look after you and make you breakfast as you slept." She explained in her little smug voice which she desperately tried to cover whilst eating her breakfast. You sighed taking a seat opposite her serving yourself some breakfast before replying.
"You can't just take a day off and neither can I Asami," without looking up from her food she spoke.
"I'm the owner of one of the biggest multimillionaire industries and I'm my own boss therefore I can take a break from work when and as I please," You chuckled slightly amused at her words. She wasn't wrong heck she's barely ever wrong.
"Besides my wife is ill and needs me," a smirk spreading across her face as she spoke.
"You are a criminal mastermind Asami Sato,"
"I know,"

The rest of the day was filled with movies, massages, hugs, kisses, you name it! The whole day was perfect but how would it not be when you've spent the whole time with your partner. Around seven out of nowhere she asked you to get dressed up nice it confused you but you did as she asked. You picked out your favourite outfit did your makeup and sorted your hair when you spotted Asami downstairs you were awestruck. She looked more beautiful then beautiful you didn't even know that to be possible. She wore a beautiful red dress which matched her lipstick and necklace. Her long black hair sat perfectly over her shoulder and her emerald eyes looked more alive then ever. She walked towards you and took your hand escorting you to a limo. It was amazing even though you had no idea what you were doing or where you were going.
"Umm babe what's all this?" You questioned leaning your head agains her shoulder your fingers intertwined as you sat next to each other in the vehicle.
"A surprise~" she said pecking a kiss on the top of your head.

The car came to a stop and in front of you was one of the most expensive restaurants in republic city. It had a high reputation and was almost impossible to get a reservation for.
"A-Asami this is..... I it's amazing how did you get in," you finally said finding your words as you walked to the reception of the building.
"I have my ways Y/n besides It's my treat you've been working to hard," you sat down and ordered your food it tasted amazing. No, scratch that the whole day was amazing. You finished you glass of wine later the check and left. Arm in arm with Asami. On the way home you were practically falling asleep on your wife's arm.
"I-I should have more ill days," you yawned. The tall woman laughed and placed a soft kiss on your forehead before responding.
"Yes you should,"

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