A crime worth dying for - Azula

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You had just returned from your shift at the palace and not been home for no longer than five minuets when a heavy, strong hand banged onto your door demanding for it to be opened

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You had just returned from your shift at the palace and not been home for no longer than five minuets when a heavy, strong hand banged onto your door demanding for it to be opened. Annoyed with the fact that you had just got in and how loud they were hitting against the door you opened it only to be greeted by two unforgiving fire nation soldiers, palace guards to be more specific. They grabbed your shoulders and forced you out of you own home dragging you towards the palace with very little regard for your comfort or being. No matter how much you told them there must of been a mistake and no matter how hard you tried to resist it was useless. There was no point in fighting them. You wouldn't be able to take on two professionally trained guards not in any life time. A grunt of pain escaped your lips as the guards roughly moved you through the streets not caring if you got hurt or couldn't keep up. They had a job to do and that job was to hold you accountable for whatever it was that you had done. Every plea had fallen upon deaf ears as you were forced to the ground arms chained before the fire Lord.  Nothing about his aura was friendly nor was it forgiving. Blazing flames surrounded his throne parting as he stepped down to look at you.
"You have been spotted performing acts with my daughter which are illegal in this nation." His voice carried through the whole room. No one would dare speak against him not a soul. "I gave you a job in my home and yet we have found that you are in a relationship with my daughter. No one has ever been as foolish to break the law in my palace nor drag the princess into your schemes either." How did this happen? You were careful, you had stayed hidden, no one could of possibly of found out yet someone did and now you must pay for your crimes. Ozai had found out. It was a bad idea, a terrible, awful, bad idea. Each time you saw her you told yourself it couldn't go on both of you knew it was wrong, both of you knew this dangerous game that you were playing but neither of you stopped. Neither of you could stop. The gamble was intoxicating and the prize even more so but, with every gamble there is a loosing hand and a price that follows that bad draw of the cards. Azula will no doubt be in trouble for this also that can't be allowed. Ozai is a horrific ruler he banished his only son for speaking out of turn what would he do to his daughter for loving the wrong person, a crime punishable on many degrees. You need to keep her out of this mess, change the narrative so she wouldn't be a member of this beautiful crime that was driven by love  but rather a victim of it. That should work. It should work very nicely. "How long have you been in an impure relationship with my daughter?" The fire lords words carried much venom.
"There was no relationship." You blurted out going against every instinct telling you to cower away. "She was forced into the sapphic acts in which you have found me guilty of. I- I forced myself upon your daughter to commit this crime with me." His face got even angrier than before and a whole lot more threatening. If this false admission costs your life then so be it azula can not loose her title the crown means everything to her more then you ever would. In that moment a burn spread across your shoulders as fire was thrown against your body. It charred your clothing and peeled at your skin. Even though the flames had flickered out to nothing the pain agonisingly lingered. The fire lord waved his hand and turned to his throne as guards rushed to lift your body off the ground and back to your feet. Just before they began moving you out of the room a voice spoke,
"You requested my presence fath-er... what's going on here?" Azula who had just stepped in questioned trying to keep a level voice as to not show the shock in seeing you burned and chained. Plain turned back around and the guards froze their movements.
"Azula. Go to the court physician." He acknowled his daughter but ignored her question.
"I don't need to." She still unaware of what you have just done.
"We don't know the full extent of what this filthy servant has done to you and if any bodily harm has came upon you then that will be put into consideration for choosing how to punish the guilty before her death. You know the law and it won't be bent. The punishment for a homosexual relationship is punishable by life imprisonment. Threatening royalty falls under treason nevermind doing what she has done to you and therefore will be executed." Ozai said taking a seat in his throne once more. Azula's head darted between yourself and her father eyes wide.
"What did you say!" She shouted at you her act slipping and panic seeping out at the revelation of what you were being punished for. You stared right into her eyes your gaze softened seeing  those amber pools which you could stare endlessly into.
"Nothing that isn't true." You lied as if it was second nature but unfortunately it was. Loving freely is a crime that you'd happily commit over and over again and one that you have committed over and over again leading you to live off a lie. Clear confusion washed over the princess as she slowly shook her head no and looked over to her father she knew you better then anyone yet she couldn't get why you'd do such a thing. Why you would confess to a crime taht never took place.
"What ever she told you isn't true you can't trust her words if anything I'm the one that should fall under the law's jurisdiction! It- father whatever she told you isn't what happened- she- I'm-"
"Azula silence yourself!" Ozai shouted at his daughter causing her to immediately fall quiet. "She has confessed already. Now go to the court physician." Azula couldn't argue back no matter how much it killed her not to. She looked down and slowly walked out to go to the physician's before your situation got any more worse due to her protests. The guards then continued to take you to the dungeons to endure whatever hell they had planned for you before your inevitable execution.

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