Over the years -Izumi

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—Age 12—

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—Age 12—

"But Dad I don't want to go to a boring meeting!" You protested annoyed that he was making you go.
"I swear it's not going to be that bad," he said getting slightly annoyed.
"Why can't I got to kyoshi island with mum and train with all the other warriors," you pouted. Your father sighed gripping the bridge of his nose, "we've already been through this your mother is going on a dangerous mission so you can't stay with her."
"What about Bumi he's old enough to babysit me besides I've not seen him Kya or Tenzin in ages," you said trying to push your luck. It didn't work.
"Your not going to air temple island. Look Y/n when your all grown up and your the chief of the southern water tribe and a councillor your going to have to sit through meetings like this all the time it's practice," you groaned at your fathers response but gave in anyway. Surely a visit to the Fire nation can't be that bad.

You were wrong. When you got there you walked into the meeting room with your father at your side and were immediately flooded with boredom. You sat next to your father head in you hand trying not to fall asleep. When you looked across the table towards Zuko you saw a girl similar to your age sat to his side. You immediately recognised her to be Izumi you smiled slightly at the thought of a friend being there with you and as soon as the meeting ended you met up with her in the corner of the room. The two of you chatted as your fathers caught up and talked about things that didn't get discussed in the meeting.
"Did your father force you here?" She questioned.
"Yeah.... Did yours?"
"Yeah it was so boring! If I have to do that when I'm fire lord I don't ever want to take the throne," her comment made you giggle and then the two of you began playing a few games with one another until your inevitable departure. That day you weren't away of making a friendship that would last years.

- Age 18-

You've slowly started walking more and more in your father's footsteps. Going to meetings and learning the art of the boomerang. This time you were made to attend a Council meeting in republic city. It contained all the world leaders and a few other people like chief of police and other Officials. You sat beside your father listening intently to what was being said as you were expected to participate.
"CactusJuice trade has been slowing down since one of their Ring leaders were taken down however this is still a nation wide issue Republic City included. On top of this there has been a few outbreaks of blood bending reports have came from the northern water tribe, ember island, ba sing se, the city and one report had came from General Bumi when one attacked a commanding ship. The last spotted sight of this bender was in the Earth kingdom," Avatar Aang spoke commanding the room as usual.
"This is an outrage!" The Earth kingdom representative raised their voice slamming a hand on the table.

Police chief Toph stood looking in the rough direction of the representative pointing at them.
"Why? Do you have something to hide?" The representative fell silent. "That's what I thought." After that Fire Lord Zuko began to speak. You turned to him but completely lost any train of thought when you realised Izumi was next to him. She kept a stern face staying professional you couldn't help but admire. You wished you could be more focused but unfortunately you got your father's brain at least you got your mothers look's though. When the meeting finally came to a close you were forced to speak with many people you didn't want to. You pushed through each conversation eventually landing one with Izumi.
"How's being a Fire lord in training?" You questioned opening the conversation.
"Boring and a lot of work. I know I'm meant to take over within the next few years but I'm going to try and push it back a bit I'm not sure I'm quite ready yet. What about you are you going down your mothers path or your fathers?" She replied. You laughed a little your face going red at her taking an interest in your life. Why your not sure like it's just a way to continue a conversation right?
"As much fun as being a Kyoshi warrior sounds I shockingly prefer my dad's kind of line of work so I'm thinking of going down that route. The meetings are annoying though," the two of you shared a laugh before your father called you over to speak with Aang. You found it comforting that you weren't alone in following your father. You couldn't help but feel a spark between you and Izumi. You exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. As you left to join your father and the Avatar, you couldn't stop thinking about her.

-Age 32-

It was the day of Izumi's coronation and of course you were the first in line. You hadn't seen her for a while but you missed her dearly so there wasn't a chance you were going to miss it. Besides over the years you kinda started to like her more then any one of your regular friends. As she stepped out your breath got caught in your lungs and your eyes widened slightly. She looked amazing. Like more amazing then amazing. Through out the whole ceremony your eyes were fixed on her and you didn't know why she was having this effect on you and it all got worse after when you spoke to her congratulating her on her new role.
"I uhh congratulations your going to be the best Fire Lord," you spoke bowing in front of the newly crowned. She chuckled lifting you up by the hand. As your head rose you could swear you saw her face flush red for a slight second.
"Please you don't have to bow we've known each other for too long for us to only just start using formalities," you smiled agreeing with her words. You have known one another for too long only starting to use formalities now wouldn't make much sense. She looked down at the floor for a second before opening her mouth to speak once again,
"Hey I have some paper work to fill out after this but umm maybe you want to hang out you know catch up like old times?"
"I'd love to...." You replied looking back before fully exiting to where you were staying whilst at the palace. You couldn't wait.

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