Speech - Lin

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You left the police station over an hour ago and yet your still doing work at your dining room table at home. Your wife should be home in a few minutes and you won't be able to spend time with her due to all your files that need finishing and your speech that also needs preparing. As soon as you began to open the next file as if on cue she walked through the door, sighing grateful to be home. She walked through the house and when her emerald green eyes lay upon you she tutted.

"You got home hours ago. Why in Yangchen's sake are you still working?" She questioned giving you a kiss on the cheek before heading into the kitchen making herself a cup of tea.
"Because I still have a lot of files to get through and I want to be on Chief's good side tomorrow," you spoke as you skimmed through the documented case. Lin re entered the room blowing in her drink before replying, "Is that so?" You hummed in response trying to concentrate on the work at hand.
"Well why don't you ask the Chief nicely maybe She'll let you off...... Or you could just give some of your load to Mako I'm sure he won't mind. Besides he owes me a new desk." She said going from enticing to bitter as she rose the cup to her lips taking a sip of the warm beverage. You looked up from your papers staring at the woman eyebrows raised, "I don't think so Lin." The earth bender smiled slightly as if it were to convince you otherwise but that failed when you spoke again, "I'm not dumping all my work on Mako because he owes you a new desk and I doubt asking the Chief will do any good as when I brought you your favourite lunch today I had a mug thrown at me!"

That once smiling Police chief's expression dropped completely, defeated taking a sad sip of her tea.
"I said I was sorry. I thought you were someone else..." she mumbled barely audible causing you to smile slightly. You chuckled before speaking again, "besides I can't not do my work I still have my speech to practice and prepare,"
"You still haven't done that?" You replied shaking your head continuing your work until the Chief of Police pushed the papers from under you away, rather aggressively, and spun your chair around so you were no longer facing the table. 
"W-w-Lin!" You yelled in protest but the woman was stubborn.
"Speech now." She demanded
"B-but I have other stuff to do first," you said attempting to turn around but ultimately failing due to you wife stopping you. You looked into her eyes and sighed in defeat, "Fine."

The next day you had patrol just before your speech. You were strolling around the streets of Republic City not expecting anything to happen going over the speech you and Lin made the night before. You had a few minutes left before having to return to the station however the spirits had other plans. As you turned the corner a fight broke out and you got caught in the crossfire. A blast if water hit you sending you flying into a wall luckily you quickly recovered and proceeded to break up the fight. Water,earth,Fire and Metal was flying and you suffered many hits. Ones that will definitely be leaving bruises. You managed to apprehend the fire bender first leaving only the water and earth bender left. The water caused the most problems as he was swift and landed many hits on you. The earth bender in the other hand she was much easier to deal with as you could divert her attacks with your own bending abilities. When they both started coordinating their attacks on you things became a whole lot more difficult. Water and earth came flying at you. Dodging the attacks became harder. Blocking them proved to be more difficult now. It was just the two benders Vs you but they weren't as incompetent as to what your used to. A piece of earth came flying to your face. As a fish of water came not moments after. You used your opponents earth to block the water then pushed it forward hitting the two of them causing the two of them to fall. Giving you the opportunity to arrest them and walk them to the station.

You had bruises all down your body and you suffered a few to many blows to the head making you lightheaded but the speech must go on. You walked up to the podium camera's and reported stood before you and your loving wife yet not so loving chief off to the side. You gulped down before opening your mouth to speak, "Citizens of Republic City. Recently there has been threats of old organisation coming back. H-however as a department we have been closing down any and all threats that have risen...." The nausea has hit and the lights began to fluctuate from light and dark, "The streets of this city is becoming more crime free as we speak and all future developments of specific cases will be released in the meantime farewell."

With those words the questions began. 'Where's the Avatar?', 'What do you have planned for future developments?', 'What had happened to the rest of the Triple threat Triad?' One after another they kept coming. You couldn't take it the spinning, the lights, the nausea. You turned to face the Chief and her expression fell as she moved towards you in what seemed to be slow motion. At this point you began to think you got hit harder then you thought as your conscious seeped away and your limp body fell to the floor.

A few hours later you awoke your head throbbing and your eyes being blinded by the lights above you. When you gained the strength you propped yourself up and saw Kya messing around with a few pieces of cloth not taking notice of you.
"H-hey Kya," you spoke grabbing her attention.
"Oh hey. You feeling better?" She questioned placing the back of her palm over your head like a mother would do a child. Despite only a few years being between the two of you she's always treated you like a child it really irritates you but Lin finds it amusing. You and Kya both tease Lin though so it's not all bad. The thought of your wife made you wonder where she was.
"Where's Lin?"
"Outside pacing. It's rather amusing really," the healer spoke. You chuckled at her words as your mid painted a picture of the scene. A few seconds into painting that image the woman herself walked into the room.

The two of you shared a smile upon your eyes meeting and she made her way to your side.
"Are you okay?" Concern dripped form her words. Even though you have been through much worse before her concern is still sweet.
"I'm fine," the woman let out a sigh and proceeded to caress you hand. "When can I get out of here?" You questioned looking over to Kya who was watching the two of you.
"When ever you want your all good to get back to normal I suggest just sticking to desk work for a while though,"
"Great!" You exclaimed pushing yourself up further swinging your legs round, over the edge of the bed taking Lin's hand as you rise to your feet. Within a few moments you were out of the hospital and heading to Lin's car. You were content for a while until you realised you weren't heading towards the station.
"Hold up. Where are we going?" You questioned facing your wife.
"Home," he reply was short as she was mainly focused on driving.
"Why?" You asked slightly confused and irritated as you had a suspicion you already knew the answer.
"Lin.... Answer the question,"
"I don't want you working for the rest of the day or tomorrow so I'm taking you home," she replied still laser focused on the road.
"What!" You yelled slightly, "Kya literally just said I can continue as normal. This isn't fair you can't do this!"
"Yes I can," the cafe pulled up into the drive way and the two of you got out of the car you still yelling about not being allowed to go to work. "No. No you can't I demand you to drive me to the station!" You said.
"No." With that you began to walk off towards your workplace before a massive pillar of earth stopped you in your tracks causing you to spin on you heel and face your wife.
"Your not going anywhere as both your wife and your boss I'm forbidding you from going to the station until I say so." Her arms crossed her chest as she spoke and you scoffed in response,
"I refuse!"
"You go to work and I arrest you," your eyes widened in shock at the woman's words.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Oh I will..." you had to fall to last resorts,
"But Linny~ that's not fair. Ple~ase let me go!" Begging. It didn't work.
"No." With taht she threw you over her shoulder and carried you into the building placing you on the couch. "Your staying there,"

You hated when she got over protective like this. You literally just passed out and you genuinely thought she was over reacting. But it's Lin Beifong, Chief of Police in republic city, and she was mad beautiful so you couldn't really complain.

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