Bandits Pt2 - yandere Kuvira

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Time has passed. How much time is tough to say. You've been bound to a wall by platinum chains with the only human interaction being with kuvira. When she said 'you won't see anyone other then me again' she weren't joking. All of her threats were followed through with. She was making you suffer for living. You had lost a significant amount of body mass as you had little to no movement as well as the food you were being given having very little effect on you body not helping the fact it already had very little nutrients. The only thing you could really do was lift your head and roll your hands and feet but even then the latter hurt to do. Not much could get worse but you never allowed for that thought fully form as you shot it down not want to jinx yourself. Before this you thought hell was a place to punish those who had done wrong after death yet you were unfortunate to find out hell is for everyone and the devil will walk in with her gracing touch and confident smirk to come and drive you inane; she won't stop until she gets you to feel even a mere fraction of what she does for you. The days had stretched into years and those year lasted centuries. Your body was weak having little to no muscle mass, your body was light and you could no longer feel your hands or feet.

When kuvira visited she would either have something bad in store for you or just to make small talk. But that small talk was worse than the former. You were reminded about every moment you shared together and your heart would beat so fast when those moments flooded into memory. They were filled by a mix of happiness and sadness and you wanted them to go away. Yet all that fades and moulds into a burning disdain for the woman before you as you remember every time kuvira blamed you for her own shortcomings. At some point, you felt a presence in the room, an invisible force of anger and rage that was just outside of your field of vision at the very edge. It felt like it was coming closer, and it felt hungry. You knew you were going to be devoured. Your brain started screaming at you, telling you to run. But you couldn't run. You couldn't move. You were trapped here. Trapped in the devil's domain.

She walked in her boots pressing heavily on the metal flooring as she stood tall her anger palpable and domineering. She sighed brushing back a loose ebony lock and looked directly at your downcast position. A silence lived and died in moments as the dictator opened her mouth to speak.
"That medaling avatar." She began. You could already tell it was going to be one of those types of rants. "Disappears for three years then comes back thinking she can tell me what to do. She's got another thing coming. A whole other thing. I will make this kingdom great again. It's my calling, if nature can't fix itself then I will become the driving force." She let out a half chuckle. "No... I am that driving force. Oh Y/n can't you see I am bringing order back until is close I can see it-" she paused to look at you with your head hanging low and lack of reaction to her words. At this point your brain was mush and you had given up on fighting back or making snide comments or begging for her to stop. It was all futile.
Everything you did was futile.

Her white gloved hand tilted your chin up lifting your head to look at her. A soft caress on your cheek from her thumb and a gentle hold. Only if those actions were sincere. You could feel the clouded feelings coming from her hand as she softly caressed your cheek. You felt as if that was your last feeling of human kindness before the fog devoured it whole. As she lifted your head so you could see her eyes. Her piercing emerald eyes accompanying a cold gaze which sent shivers down your back. "Don't worry Y/n, Everything stays between you and I. You can tell me how much you hate me. I can see it in that defeated look of yours. You despise me..." The room is filled with a quiet silence as both of you exchange no words. A sudden, unsettling sense of calm washes over you, and everything telling you to run you slowly dissipates as if taken away by a gentle breeze. Those damn eyes...

"This is stupid!" A young Y/n sat in the floor of the training courtyard where Suyin kept all of her metals which she used to teach people how to metalbend. The young girl had snook out in order to practice but like always it didn't plan out and you were lying alone surrounded by nothing but the night sky and sleeping buildings. Tears threatened and anger boiled as you forced yourself up and walked towards the small lump of metal that sat motionless on the pedestal. You glared at it and took a deep breath before attempting to make the solid move, following what had been taught to her many times before. Nothing. Always nothing. Everyone else could do it. All the other kids could make it move spirits they could even make even purer metals move. Yet you couldn't move this. Even Suyin is starting to think that you're not a metal bender and she's one of the most optimistic grown up people you knew. A whine of irritation escaped as you threw your hands down accidentally earthbending. The dirt beneath you slipped back causing you to land on the floor making you even more annoyed. Painted red and stinging you wiped the dirt and small rocks from you palms with a defeated snuffle.
"Stupid metal. Stupid rocks." Not knowing how to deal with this overwhelming feeling you began to insult the object around you as well as the teachings you've been given over the masses of lessons you attended. Pulling the girl out of this spiralling whirlwind of resentment was a small chuckle. A small and familiar chuckle. Kuvira. She was most definitely your closest friend as well as the best metalbender you have ever seen. It just came easy to her. She sat down next to you smiling slightly but didn't speak. All the anger simmered down upon seeing her, she was always always always there for you and you there for her. The slightly older girl was sat looking up at the sky and out to the city just thinking to herself while being next to you.
Eventually you spoke up, "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing it's night time." Kuvira responded her bright green eyes staring into yours before she went on to explain why she wasn't in her house. "Opal didn't let me play with the doll house and shouted for her mum. Suyin took her side obviously... she always does." You listened to whe words shifting slightly messing with small bits of rock on the floor.
"I wish I had a sister." You said absentmindedly.
"I'm not her sister." Kuvira then said crossing her arms. Taking the hint you just nodded at her statement.

Eventually after a small pause kuvira stood up and held out her hand for you. Confused and hesitant you took it. She pulled you to your feet and held your face staring into you eyes. "One day me and you are going to be the bestest ever and we're going to be supper cool no one will beat us." With her mini speech and how seriously she was taking it your mood couldn't help but be brightened. She was amazing and always knew how to make you happier no matter how stupid it was.
"That's silly I can't even metalbend." You said a small chuckle still lingering within your word. A smile traced the older girls face.
"I'll teach you." She removed her hands from your cheeks as she picked up the metal and placed it in front of you. It hit the ground with a bit off a thud as it was more of a drop then a place. "Ready?" She asks. You gulped looking between the metal and the girl.
"But but Vira... suyin can't teach me and and some of the grownups said that I'm probably not a metal bender." You said trying to get out of it along side the most likely embarrassment of failing in front of kuvira.
"They're all dumb. Cause I'm going to teach you and you're going to do it cause I said you can and if I say you can you can cause I'm amazing and the best in our class and I think you can do it." Worry was still evident and kuvira sighed she took your hand and placed it onto the metal. "Close your eyes and just feel the metal." You did as told following her instructions. She then moved your hand onto a random rock that she found. "Feel the difference?" You nod your brows furrowing as you concentrated. "Good I want you to make the rock that you are feeling float." With ease you made it do so before putting it back down. Random shuffles were heard. "Do it again but concentrate harder this time cause I chose a smaller rock." The older girl said. Moving this rock was a bit more of a struggle like kuvira told you it would be but you managed it all the same. As you did kuvira's laugh hit your ears. Why was she laughing. "Open your eyes." Her laughter spoke. Slowly you opened them highly confused on what was so funny. A gasp escaped when you realised. It wasn't there rock. A bright unshakable smile made its way in you face before you dropped the metal letting it hit the floor.
" I did it I did it I did it! Vira did you see me! I did it!" You exclaimed. Kuvira had a matching smile however hers was much more smug,
"I told you so. You just got scared cause it did look like a rock but it the same if you close your eyes." You laughed and hugged her tight thanking her over and over. She pushed you back slightly to look in your eyes your glee matching hers. Your eyes lost in hers.

...Those damn eyes were staring deep into your soul. You felt the heat of her breath as she looked down at you. The two of you hadn't been this close in years and for a moment, a mere moment, it was as though you two were never separated. The dictator let go if your chin letting your head fall back to its downcast position; stepping away closer to the exit and further from you. She turned to leave, her gloved hand on the door but before she did you croaked out what you could,
"I hate you... Vira."
That alone caused the dictator to freeze, three simple words followed by a childish nickname. Even the devil had her weakness and your relationship was certainly the pivotal mark.

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