Equalised - Asami

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Republic city has been brought to its knees. The Equalists had risen, now very little stands in their way. The following started small but over years grew, grew to lengths that no government or police force could manage. Amon had powerful people at his side , powerful people indeed. With darkness over shadowing this city of peace the benders of the world can't do anything but watch. Watch as the prosperous place where benders and non benders alike coexist fall and become a non bender sanctuary. For the first time in history non benders aren't the ones to be ruled over by benders, for the first time in history non benders won't have to fear the oppression of their element powered counterparts, and for the first time in history benders are the ones who are cowering in fear. Oh what a joyous sight one that could fill any revolutionist with pride. However, within the ranks of organisation such as this there is always a liar. An out of place pocket that causes inconvenience unfortunately this particular nuisance is vital to the success of the mission but that doesn't make them safe. No bender is safe, no matter what they believe or fight for.

"Be patient we need the final executions to follow through first... Then we can take him down." The black haired woman said in a harsh and hushed voice putting her pencil down over some of her mechanical designs that without doubt will be mechanical masterpieces when produced.
"I know... I know. We can't rush this if we do we leave ourselves defenceless," You sighed followed by a roll of your eyes messing around with the electrical glove which you were fitting upon your hand after your girlfriend had adapted for you. It was an unholy Union that even the dark spirits would fear to get between. Two masterminds fighting and plotting against the same thing, striving to achieve the same goal. In truth they are the reasonings for Amons success, they are the reasonings for the rise of the Equalists, they made the weapons, they made the plans, they funded this whole ordeal. Asami and yourself were a duo even the gods would bow to and you were a duo that won't stop now. The two of you wont ever be stopped neither of you can be satisfied you take and fight and scare and kill. It won't ever be enough not until the whole world is brought to its knees beneath them and begging for mercy, and they will never stop not until every bender in the four nations has been eradicated at whatever means necessary. That's what made this whole ordeal as disgusting as it is. Their relentless need to constantly be full, but hunger is not what this monster truly fears... Losing its invulnerability is what makes it truly cower. The both of you are only as strong as you are together. If something lodged its way between you, if harm made a scratch against either of you, quite frankly this monster would kill itself. Its demise will occurs through its own greedy and lone actions. A coin needs two sides to flip and this monster needs both lovers to be controlled. Asami stood up and walked to wards you gently her hand grazing beneath your chin tilting it up to her. Your eyes searched her green ones filled with nothing but admiration. A smile grew feeling her thumb trace your jaw as her other hand strapped the glove securely to your wrist. Her movements were forceful and demanding yet oh so soft and endearing, she was a devil of both beauty and intelligence which had you wrapped around her finger like a siren and his sailor.
"He'll be brought down soon I swear by it, we just need to wait." She said. You nodded back with a bite of your tongue letting her touch linger and words settle.
"He's an incompetent fool to believe he's invincible. He's stolen our work and showed it off with his name and his face. He'd still be scavenging in the dark if it weren't for us." You spoke still looking up into her eyes. That beautiful and confident smirk you love made its way to the young Sato's features as her fingers held a strong grip upon your jaw.
"We'll get our recognition in time... But for now you need to go and abduct those other crime bosses that have been causing trouble for Amon." She said gently kissing your forehead letting go of your chin letting her fingers drag across your skin to leave that soft tingling feeling which stays after the presence of her touch leaves - the ghost of her gracing hand.
"And you will be conversing with your father about the new technology?" You asked as your gaze followed her movements back to her desk. She gave a small simple nod picking the pencil back up to continue working.
"Of course I will be. Come back in one peace or I'll be ignoring your ass for another week." She threatened not even looking up at you. Last time she ignored you for severe injuries was far from enjoyable and it was certainly not a time you wish to be repeated even the thought of it made you pull bit of a face. Nonetheless you gave a small nod reassuring her that you had understood her conditions before you left to go do your job.

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