Forbidden Flames -Azula

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You looked amongst all the people at the royal event only one catching your eye. The crowned princes, Azula. She was beautiful in her clothing of choice like always. Your eyes followed her movements in awe of the woman as she greeted guests all generals, war heroes and nobles alike. When her golden eyes fell upon you she smiled. It was a sight you wish you could keep to yourself forever. She walked in your direction pretending to get a drink from the hundreds of beverages that lay behind you on a table coated in Fire Nation red like the rest of the room.

She stood next to you facing the drinks as she spoke, "you know it's rude to stare."
"It's impossible to not to Princess. How much longer until we can hide away from the eyes of the public?" You questioned wanting to be able to spend time with the remarkable woman beside you.
"A few hours then you'll be all mine my love. Until then," and with that she walked back off into the crowd playing the role of princess standing by her father's side with her two friends Mai and Ty lee. The three girls made up Ozai's angles and that they were angelic. You hated how you couldn't speak with the beautiful fire bender for longer but she had her duty to fulfil and you must wait until your farther speaks to the Fire Lord til you can next be close to her.

Luckily that time came soon. Within a half our of your conversation you had to present yourself to the Fire Lord. Your father was one of his close allies being both a military commander and Nobleman. He bowed to the two royals when he rose he shook the hand of the Fire Lord and you copied his movements shortly after. Your father shared words with the powerful man before departing you close behind him. As you walked off you stole a smile from the princess. Spirits how you wanted to embrace her and not have to watch her get googly eyes off every boy she converses with. Worst part of these events was the dance. Where you had to be swirled around the room by a random noble kid and watch the same happen to Azula. It was irritating that you couldn't dance with the princess but that would be seen as a romantic gesture and that will end up with you being imprisoned or possibly worse killed.

As the people started to leave you snuck out to your agreed place of meeting. The room was illuminated by the moon which was helpful as you weren't left in complete darkness. It was definitely an upgrade from having to be in a bustling room where you must avoid your partner and watch others try and woo her in hopes of having a chance of becoming a successor to the throne. You looked out the window worried if you were to be caught or she not appear. Suddenly, the door slowly creaked open. Your heart rate spiked. You were done for. It was like a dear in headlights, frozen. Spirits know why you held your breath as if it would do anything. The door was about to fully open before a voice yelled at whoever was opening it.
"What are you doing!" The voice was demanding and oh so familiar, Azula.
"I uhhh I t-thought the that-" the person's voice trembled with fear with each word.
"You thought what? If you don't get out of my sight within the next few moments I can assure you that you won't have enough conscience left within your pathetic soul to think!" Her threats could make anyone cower in fear.
"Right away princess!" The guard said bowing before running off for his life.

As he did relief washed over you as that breath was released. Azula walked into the moon lit room and closed the door behind herself sighing. "People are so irritating," she muttered before walking over to embrace you. The comfort of her touch was one that could not be compared, it was safety. When the two of you separated she lit all the candles in the room using her bending before returning her focus to you. She grazed her hand across your cheek which you immediately melted into.
"I know you hate these things as much as I. Things will change when I'm Fire lord I swear on my honour," you smiled at her words letting them hang in the air before speaking.
"I don't have long my father thinks I'm with Mai," this caused the Fire princess to frown slightly. Time with her is always limited and that's why you make the most of it. You lowered yourself to bow before the woman before reaching your hand out.
"I believe I owe you a dance,"

Azula gracefully took your hand and copied your movements. No music payed no tune was heard but you still moved to a rhythm. Twirling and spinning one another around as you moved across the floor. It was exhilarating and fun the two of you. Azula pulled you close your faces mere inches away as you both caught your breath from the dance. You only wished you didn't have to sneak around and hide but as Azula said soon it won't be like that. Not when she's in charge. Her hands caressed your face as you stood opposite one another. She was so captivating, gravitating even and before a conscious thought could tell you to do something your lips met. The sensation was one you'd never get used to no matter how many times it happens.

Breaking the perfect moment a knock on the door echoed through the room. You immediately separated, panic once again washing over you. Azula's eyes widened before speaking in her regal, authoritative voice, "What is the meaning of this disturbance?" She questioned her voice raised slightly as she swung the door open to see another guard standing at her door. As she did you made sure to not be seen pushing yourself against the near a mirrored dresser.
"I-I was told to inform you that your father wishes to speak with you. S-something to do with the Avatar," the guard said. Azula stared at him with her infamous threatening glare.
"Well you've informed me so you can go. I'll be there in five," she said in an oddly calm way well calm for her anyway. She slammed the door in his face then turned to you with slightly saddened eyes. "I apologise for this being short I-" you cut her off with another kiss before speaking. "If it involves the Avatar or the war it has the upmost importance," the woman before you tried to protest but you cut her off once again, "just think this emergency meeting or whatever is just one step closer to you becoming Fire lord. That's one step closer to us."

A smile grew on the Princess's face, "one step closer to us." You gave her a hug before turning around and making your escape from the palace. One day you won't have to hide. One day you won't have to watch from afar. One day.

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