Extinguished Pt 3 - Yandere katara

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Katara yelled out in frustration before dragging herself to her feet and balking back, the wall of fire had simmered down immensely

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Katara yelled out in frustration before dragging herself to her feet and balking back, the wall of fire had simmered down immensely. Upon seeing her injury sokka ran over and helped her walk and sat her down Aang got her some water so she could heal herself.
"She got away." She mumbled. The others all looked at one another worried.
"So that's one more firebender to worry about." Toph said as the four of them stood in a mini semi circle. They all shared looks of concern with one another thinking about how much more difficult things are going to now be with all three Royal siblings now fighting against them again. Katara moved the water around her hands pushing it against her side letting it soak into the burn. The liquid glowed as a sharp inhale was made by the young water bender followed by a slow exhale keeping herself steady and calm so that her bending was most effective. Soon the pain numbed down.
"We can't take all three of them on at once so next Time that happens we take them on in isolation, separate them." Sokka said. The others all agreed but katara? Her gaze was sending daggers right passed them all straight to the tree line in which you had ran into. Your kiss kept playing over and over in her mind. How could she of been so stupid? You'd never love her the way she did you so why on yangchen's name did she get distracted by your simple compliance. It won't happen again. Never. Again. Next time she sees you she won't be merciful she'll treat you just how everyone thinks you should be. She'll take that obnoxious, high and mighty Sense off power that your whole family seems to obtain and she will rip it from you and mark you suffer. She will make you suffer with a smile on her face and a skip in her step cause she won't stop until she gets you for playing with her emotions, for burning her and worst of it for running away.

You sprinted between the trees loosing your footing once or twice. Your lungs screamed for air as your heart pounded out of your chest. Where are they? Where are they! They shouldn't be too far away, they can't be. While you were running everything played back in your head. The fight, the confrontation, your brother, that icicle, the kiss, you burning her, absolutely every aspect of what's just occurred was ran rampant. Even then however everything still seamed on long rushed blur - non of it felt to be real. A voice sounded out Causing you to stop running for a moment, Azula. You followed her yells as they got louder and more audible.
"We could of saved her! The only reason I managed to convict father to let you two fools home was cause Y/n went missing and she was right there! Right freaking there! And you!" The young princess pointed a finger to her uncle's chest. "You made us run!"
"Princess Azula, you must calm down! It was not our time to save her today. If it was we'd of managed it but the spirits have chosen for us to do that another day." Iroh said in a calm yet scolding manor as your sister was about to blow up. You saw the three of them and that same bright smile of hope made it's way back to your features.
"Honestly uncle you always are going on about those damn spirits and fate it's getting as old as you are," you said walking closer to them Azula head snapped in your direction as she ran and embraced you for a few moments before pushing you away and brushing her clothing. She couldn't show affection for longer than a few moments ever it's almost as if too much direct exposure to it and she would combust. When the two of you were younger you had come to the conclusion that she was allergic to affection and kindness in most degrees hence her always following a nice action with a harsher one.
"You made it out in you're own." Azula said in her calm calculative manner, "you're never going shopping alone again. That is a servants Job, you hear me?" You smiled and gave a small nod after this whole fiasco you wouldn't be opposed to not going out alone for a long while to come.
"You won't hear me complaining." You reply Azula nods then harshly moved your face side to side.
"Those freaks didn't harm you too much did they? You don't look over roughed up..." She let go of your face and walked back. "I'm still the prettier twin." You couldn't help but roll your eyes at her last mini insult. You had the urge to shout 'We look the god damn same' right back at her but didn't follow through allowing her to do what she needed to process everything. In the meanwhile you spent time with your brother an uncle who you haden't seen in around five years since you were eleven. Worst of these five years is that your father completely forbade you contacting Zuko during his banishment that Azula had temporarily out pause to in order to get them to help saving you.

The next few weeks were complete and utter chaos. Fighting, running, strategising and fighting some more. Today was the day of black sun. Ozai went to his secret safe room hidden under the volcano in the capital island while you zuko and azula his in his main throne room as too distract the oncoming danger of the avatar and his friends. Zuko was being his usual grumpy self his arms crossed over one another as your sauntered around the room sitting upon your father's throne. Zuko glanced over, "get off that thing and stop looking so relaxed they could be here anytime now."
Azula lifted an eyebrow laughing, "calm down Zuzu I think I look pretty good on a throne." The two began to bicker causing you to roll your eyes. Eventually there petty comments and insults died down and a loud bang sounded outside. Zuko looked over to you and signalled you too hide you nodded and did as told dipping behind one of the grand pillars as he did the same on the other side. Azula stayed sat on the throne as the doors flung open and the gaang ran in ready to fight. Their expressions turned from Stone cold serious to slightly confused.
"Where's fire lord ozai!" The avatar shouted. Your sister laughed pushing herself up from her seat. "What am I not good enough for you? You're hurting my feelings." She said mockingly to the group their expressions hardened once again. The earth bender kicked the floor encasing your sister in stone for a moment the group seemed to have an upper hand before the rocks cracked and shattered as two di lee agents jumped down and began fighting the group upon Azula's orders. Dust began to settle when you and your brother stepped out from behind the group granted the three of you were currently powerless but that won't stop the lot of you. Each of you were trained by the best of the best in the nation covering every from if fighting your nation had to offer. Zuko pulled out his duel wielding swords but azula motioned for him to lower them. He followed her advice butt kept a firm grip around them. It was a three on three plus sokka and quite frankly those odds were looking good in your favour even when without your bending that was the case anyway until She walked in.

Her eyes looked across them all but landed on you. Her brother and the avatar were both confused as to why she was there.
"Katara? I thought you were staying with dad and the others..." the water tribe boy said. Katara didn't spare him a glance her gaze explicitly focused on you. "They don't need my help no more." She said coldly her brother obviously shocked by her tone. You were frozen to the spot eyes glued upon her terrified. Sokka kept his gaze on his sister as he and aang were both still processing the way in which Katara had just spoke to them even their earth bender friend was in a state of shock. They heard katara have a tone, they have seen her fight and her threaten people but this? This was different. She stepped closer to you and instinctively you took one back. From there things only escalated dramatically by that one movement katara snapped the thinly spread tension starting a rupture to kick off the tsunami. She kicked and dragged her leg across the floor freezing everyone and bloodbent you towards her. Immediately you yelled out at the pain of your body involuntarily  moving and to think you were just forgetting the pain of this happening. Her friend were petrified at the sight and tried helping your siblings in stopping her just to fail miserably.
"Katara stop this madness!" Sokka shouted at his little sister. The little sister that he could never imagine doing something like this. Aang sent a blast of wind at katara's arms causing her to drop you mid air causing you to land strangely. Azula ran over to you and helped you while the earth bender trapped katara's feet in place. Her blue eyes still locked onto you as she attempted to regain control once more. Her arms got hit off balance again so she pulled water out of the air and froze her friends still in hopes of it buying hers,even time to regain her power over you but as it did the fire bending came back on Azula and Zuko both attacked her and a massive fight broke out through the corridors and within the throne room. Flames and water were getting shot everywhere and with no better than perfect timing the others escaped and the lot of you joined together to corner katara. The earth ended encased her to a wall and her brother knocked her out with a hit of his boomerang.
"When did she learn that?" Sokka asked flabbergasted - not in a good way.
"You didn't know? She's your sister!" Zuko blew up on him before an argument could break out Aang used airbending to push them both back.
"Don't start bickering! The important thing is that we find our whatever that was and we stop other people from finding out similar abilities by putting an end to this war." The avatar demanded. They all nodded in agreement then you spoke up.
"I could talk to Ozai-"
"He won't listen." Zuko butted in followed by Azula, "we can most definitely try." Toph then spoke up, "worst comes to worse we help one another take him down."
"For good." Sokka added. From then the unlikely alliance spouted from two enemies brought together through the mutual ground of a war ridden and exposed child who only did what she could to survive. With the agreement settled, plan brewing that spark returned. Oxygen has reached your snuffed out flame relighting it and you are ready to end this war. For katara who had unfortunately  lost herself within this hundred-year grief coated war.


Up coming chapters:

Asami - equalised
Katara - reunion scare
Opal - project monster
Azula - (Ozai finds out)
Toph - (blind reader)
Suyin - gender swapped
Kuvira - (I don't know yet)

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