Whispers in the dark -Toph

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Ever since you were young all you remember doing is working at the Beifong residence

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Ever since you were young all you remember doing is working at the Beifong residence. You used to help clean and cook when your bending abilities showed the family paid for lessons and when your ability to be able to hold your own in a fight came known, thanks to a few street fights and almost being fired a couple of times, you were tasked with protecting their daughter. Toph. Before becoming her body guard during your time off was spent with her, the two of you were close. You helped her sneak out to her fights and sometimes even participated yourself you were her number one supporter. A cheerleading opponent who watched from the side as she humiliated guys twice her size.

The two of you waited until Toph's name was called out. Just before it was the two of you shared a smile and on cue the girl walked into the arena lifting her champion belt in air as the presenter introduces her.
"Now the moment you've all been waiting for Boulder Versus your reigning champion The Blind Bandit!"
Many cheers, chants and murmurs erupted from the crowd sat behind you. At one point you even heard a girl question if she is actually blind which made you chuckle. Despite her lack of sight she is easily the best earth bender you have ever seen. She's remarkable. Before your thoughts drifted off the fight began.
"The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a small blind girl....." his gruff voice boomed through the air. As soon as the words left his lips you knew Toph would reign hell fire upon him.
"Sounds to me like your scared Boulder," she retaliated pointing a finger at the man before her. He clearly didn't have the longest of fuses. You smiled at her cocky nature and overconfidence and then the first blow was made. Like you predicted Toph absolutely wiped the floor with him like she would anyone else. Watching her fight was a sight you'd always admire, the way she moves so precisely waiting for the perfect time to strike before moving ever so slightly to knock a person off balance. Her connection to the earth under her feet is like no other it's beautiful to watch.... She's beautiful to watch.

The match didn't last that long, she came out victorious just like always. You cheered out calling her name along side the rest of the crowd. Her smile grew and she lifted her fist in the air as her victory was announced.
"Your winner and still the champion The Blind Bandit!" The crowd roared out one more time before the presenter jumped down from a stand with a bag in his hand, "To make this a little more interesting I'm offering up this sack of gold pieces to anyone who can defeat the Blind Bandit!" Not a sound was made. No one was talking the offer not until a little bald kid stepped up. He walked up to the arena and faced Toph the crowd was cheering and you over heard two people who you assume know him spit out the name Aang. Aang. The name circled your mind that's not a normal earth nation name, you didn't like what was going on. But it was a bit too late for that...

"Do people really want to see two Girls Fight?" Toph gloated causing the crowd to 'ooooh' and the diss.
"I don't really want to fight you. I want to talk to you" the kid say putting his hands up and taking a step closer to Toph. The Voice that  you heard saying that name earlier Boo'd before getting scolded by whom ever was next to you. No matter what the kid says Toph won't go down without a fight. Before his foot hit the ground Toph sent earth flying to where his foot would land but he jumps up. It looked as if he was floating? Toph could tell this to.
" Somebody's a little light on his feet what's your fighting game? The fancy dancer?" She spat. This isn't looking good. This happened a few more times before the kid pushed his hands forwards causing Toph to go flying out of the arena. You blinked a couple of times to make sure your eyes didn't deceive you. There was nothing there, nothing made contact. Toph landed with a thud and you walked over to her as the rest of the crowd erupted in cheers for their new champion. The earth bender stormed off a couple of paces ahead off you clearly annoyed. This is going to be fun to deal with later you thought to yourself as you walked through the tunnel Toph created. The bald kid tried following for the two of you shouting that he wants to talk but Toph wasn't having any of it and neither were you. When you returned to the Beifong's home Toph immediately went to her room throwing herself on the bed yelling into a pillow. You closed the door after her and took a seat next to her listening as she spoke.

After she calmed down a bit and changed into her usual attire she requested to go into the gardens which you obviously allowed her to do but you had an errand to run so she had to go alone. It didn't last long but as soon as it was done you heard screaming from outside so you went running to find the bald kid and two water tribe people there with Toph standing over them.
"What are you doing here twinkle toes!" She questioned in an aggravated tone. You looked between them all as they bickered until Toph questioned them again, "how did you find me?" As they explained you learned that Aang is the Avatar and they want Toph to teach him. She replied saying it's not her problem telling them to get lost threatening them with guards whilst walking to your side. The group looked at you and gulped before speaking again but as you got into a fighting stance they scrambled away. Unfortunately you saw them again at a meal.

It was highly tense and Aang kept showing off his air bending skills which annoyed both you and Toph. To the point that Toph was earth bending under the table. Luckily her parents didn't notice. The dinner was a disaster but after it you and Toph met up with them where you stared the water tribe siblings down. Toph went for a walk with the Avatar before they left you grabbed Toph gently by the upper arm whispering in her ear, "If he does anything I'm just a shout away..." she smiled and thanked you before continuing. After a while a loud noise was heard and everyone went running outside there was a note. They were taken. Her parents cried about how scared Toph must be which nicked you sick. Only if they knew how amazing their daughter was the way they treat her and speak of her makes you question wether they are the ones who are blind. Almost immediately you left for the arena to go get Toph back..... and the Avatar.

You gave them the money as they asked and they released Toph but not the avatar. Her dad took toph by the hand and started to match her home you shortly behind until Katara asked for her help. Toph turned back and walked up to arena with you to find all the people from the fight earlier today. You offered your help but she refused. The fight was unreal. You could barely tell what was going on due to a massive dust cloud and even though Toph has been teaching you to see through earth bending your still not that good at it. All you could see were people flying out of the cloud and yells but you ah d no doubt in that Toph was going to win. And that she did. The dust cleared to see Toph stood there in all her glory and the Avatar was safe. To say her parents were livid was an understatement both you and Toph were taken back and both faced hardships. Toph was forbidden to go anywhere without a guard and she was grounded. You were demoted from bodyguard not allowed anywhere near Toph and your wage cut to barely anything.
"Y-you can't do that she had nothing to do with any of this!" Toph cried and pleaded for you punishment to be lifted but in all her efforts it didn't work. This was the one fight she couldn't win but you weren't going to let her loose. Not to her parents.

You went to her room and dragged her out she tried asking you what was going on but you just dragged her through the halls and into the garden.
"Aang wait up!" You yelled waving the whole group turned to you confused, "we're joining you!" You shouted again. Toph looked up at you tears threatening as she smiled.
"We're going?" She asked. You smiled back and nodded even though you know she couldn't see you, "yeah-" before you could finish guards could be heard shouting alongside Toph's parents fear shot through you as earth started flying at you.
"Stop her!" Her father shouted, "she's kidnapping my daughter!" You helped Toph onto the sky bison and she held out a hand to you which you didn't take they were to close.
"Y/n w-what are you doing? Take my hand!" Her voice scared and saddened it pained you to do this.
"I'm sorry Toph..... I can't go with you. Be safe, kick ass, save the world or whatever. Be free no parents or walls or hiding. I love you toph...." A single tear fell from your face as you were detained. "No. No,no,no, NO!" Toph yelled after you, "Y/n!" The bison flew off and all you could hear were her yells. You faced Toph's parents a severe hit across the face and kick in the stomach will just be the start of their punishments.
"You will pay for endangering my daughter and stealing her!"

The Gaang looked at the crying earth bender as she refused to move. Sokka tried to comfort her but ultimately failed.
"Get the hell away from me!" She hit his hand away and sobbed. After several hours, when the others all fell asleep she lifted her head to the sky and whispered into the dark night, "I love you too Y/n." As one last tear fell from her face and she got lost in the thoughts of her own. She will reunite with you again and as soon as she does she will tell you that a hundred times over and embrace you nightfall the next day. Her parents will pay for this.

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