Wind and waves - korra

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 "Ikki! Stop that Dad will be home any minute! Meelo!" You scolded trying to keep your younger two siblings somewhat under control as they ran around the whole island cause Meelo apparently did something to annoy Ikki

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"Ikki! Stop that Dad will be home any minute! Meelo!" You scolded trying to keep your younger two siblings somewhat under control as they ran around the whole island cause Meelo apparently did something to annoy Ikki... Or Ikki accidentally ruined one of his paintings... Or it doesn't matter that's the usual story anyway. They were so annoying, yes they acted like this quite regularly but they were a hundred times worse when Dad puts you in charge. Your other younger sister, Jinora is much more easier to deal with making your life a whole lot more enjoyable she just reads and is a whole lot more calmer then the other two. Currently, your mother was pregnant meaning you had to help out a lot more then usual but you didn't overly mind it was fun, when your siblings weren't being such pains in the ass. After what felt like forever the sweet scent of freedom lingered as meelo shouted out in excitement,
"The boat is here the boat is here!" He grabbed his glider and went to the pier Ikki and Jinora followed suit to greet your father. You stayed at the temple with your mother. You had just finished feeding the bisons and helping your mother clean the kitchen when you saw your father walk up to the temple with Korra you smiled seeing the Avatar before walking up to the two of them.
"Hi dad." You said giving him a hug before greeting korra, "hey."
She smiled back at you replying in the same way, "Hey." Tenzin looked between the two of you with a slightly grumbled huff. He knew that you and Korra were close and he disliked it according to him the two of you were 'too' close and acted 'weird' around one another. You didn't he just didn't like the idea of you potentially dating someone especially someone he was meant to be teaching. That was your dad for you though. He wasn't like that with just you though he was like that with your siblings as well whenever Ikki talked about 'marrying a prince' your father pulled a face despite it being so childish and when Jinora picked up on the fact that Tenzin hated the topic of dating when it came to you lot she started to occasionally bring it up or mention something that she knew would get under tenzins skin for no reason.
"How come you're at air temple island I though my dad was going to the south to train you?" You asked expecting the avatar to reply.
"Korra won't be staying here she's going back home tomorrow and she'll be staying there until this Equalists nonsense is over with so I can train her in the south as planned." Tenzin said before Korra could answer you. You sighed at your father's strictness will Ikki and Meelo both let out whines of complaint. Jinora shared an expression of disappointment but didn't voice her opinion.
"Whatever, I'll show your room." You said aimed at you father while gesturing for Korra to follow you. The waterbender had that bright smile plastered on her face like always as she followed behind you walking through the temple.

The two of you chatted and joked it was fun. At dinner Korra joined the air bending family for a meal the topic of Korra's airbending and stay wound up arising once more.
"I don't get it why can't Korra stay?" Ikki questioned causing your father to sigh as this was the sixth time of explaining that day.
"Because it is dangerous and she isn't a fully realised avatar yet and I just won't have the time."
"I would be a fully realised Avatar if you just trained me." Korra muttered under her breath causing a smirk to trace over your features as you tried not to snicker knowing tenzin won't like that comment.
"Well things are complicat-" the master airbender tried to speak but Korra spoke again.
"Well you're the only master so I'm stuck with you and you need to start training me soon or I'll never become a fully realised avatar like you so desperately want me to be." The topic of your father being a master reminded you of your talk about getting your tattoos. The conversation was quite recent as you had the conversation with you parents only a couple of days ago. Tenzin said that they just need to find the right time for the ceremony after this whole Equalists nonsense dies down a bit so the ceremony could take place. Which in technical terms means you are a master just without the ceremony.
"I could go back to the south and teach her." You pitched the idea to the room and everyone fell quiet. Korra's bright eyes had that infamous grin of hers as a wide as a presenters smile made its presence, your father's mouth was slightly gape as he was processing what you had just said as was meelo's who was trying to mimic tenzin, Ikki was continuing to eat and Jinora was finding amusement in the whole thing while your mother was just outs getting sick and tired of the airbending nonsense.
"Absolutely not!" Tenzin stated in the best authoritative tone that he could.
"And why not? You said it yourself a mere few days ago that I'm ready to become a master and we just need to wait for the right time for me to get my tattoos. I could just move in with gran gran while I train her." You argue back.
"Don't you dare even think about moving into my mothers. You are staying here young lady as will Korra you aren't going to be-" as smirk grew on your face as you looked right at you father.
"So Korra's staying here? Perfect." Your fathers face went bright red and he put his pointer finger up as he choked out a failing protest as your siblings celebrated Korra being granted permission to stay. A smirk made its way to you face happy with the results of what was supposed to be a boring family meal.

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