Ex's are the past - Azula

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Your luck with relationships wasn't great or it didn't used to be however since meeting Azula all that flipped on its head

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Your luck with relationships wasn't great or it didn't used to be however since meeting Azula all that flipped on its head. She is the most beautifully, amazing person and you hate it. You hate it because you don't knew how to deal with it. She's perfect! And it's annoying. Every interaction is a guess on how you should act or behave how does she wants you to respond? She hasn't told you anything or pointed a thing out so you must be doing something right but it feels wrong. So so wrong. There hasn't been one slip up on your half or if there has been she hasn't yelled about it yet which is making you incredibly nervous. There's this growing feeling that you can't seem to shake that she's just tallying up everything wrong that you've been doing so when she feels like taking her frustrations out she has a long list of reasons on why she is justified. It's stupid. Azula probably isn't even like that well hopefully she isn't like that. If she is like that she's hidden it very well and is definitely waiting for the perfect chance to just explode. It's completely irrational, like you said Azula is completely and utterly perfect but no matter what you can't shake this fear that it's just all an act and that's she will turn out to be exactly like your Ex. The princess knew of your previous relationship not being the best in the world and she knows that you dislike to speak of it for those reasons. She never pushes you to tell her anything but you know she wished that you would open up to her about it at some point. However, she's never said that verbally but you can tell in the subtle things that she does. Like when the two of you first to date she do this weird look whenever she picked up on you acting weird or that one time the two of you slept in the same bed together and you woke up in tears she had that look on her face while she held you telling you that it's okay. Her expression always softened and her gaze always seemed to be different, but she never asked. She never broke that unspoken boundary that the two of you and placed over the many months in which you had been together yet despite the time that has passed the emotional hurt and fear of the past is still new and you still didn't know how to conduct yourself around Azula.

Azula had came straight from a meeting to be with you she smiled that infamous smile everyone else feared but you had grown to love. You glanced over to her and met her gaze for a few moments before letting your gaze drop immediately to the floor avoiding those Amber eyes of hers. There wasn't question in the fact that you liked looking into her eyes they were beautiful like drops of sun rays captured in a sea of fire yet you could never looking into them when she smiled. You didn't know why it was just a foreign thing of which you weren't able to combat just yet. Instead a small awkward smile made its way to your lips as to match her own expression. As you exchanged these silent but loaded moments with Azula, she reached out a hand gently, her touch sending a tingling sensation through your body. It was a gesture of comfort, one that spoke volumes without words. Despite the lingering hurt and uncertainty that clouded your interactions, there was a sense of warmth in her presence that you couldn't deny. Your eyes darted to the hands of which were interlocking with one another and your body was initially tense before slowly relaxing into the small gesture.
"How was your day?" She asked calmly. Your head darted to look at her face as she spoke. It's rude to not look someone win the eye if they spoke. That rule was a dry important one in relationships... Or that's what they had always said anyway. You gave a small nod in agreement and for a moment you mouth hangs open attempting to choke out a some what excuse of a sentence.
"G-good," you said, "yours?" You kept the answers short but polite like you always did Azula gave you that look once again before replying to your question in her very 'matter of fact' and calculative way.
"Boring and long. You won't believe the incompetence I had to deal with in my meetings. I always do honestly I question why I don't just hire new people. Did you do anything interesting?" She asked again. When she did you took notice of her thumb tracing over the back of your hand. For some unknown reason when she did that you immediately became more comfortable you have a feeling that over the time the two of you have been together that she had picked up on that fact. It was a very likely possibility as to how observant Azula could be at times that's probably why you trust her or you think you trust her. It's not complete trust as there is always an underlying nag that it is all an act and that she doesn't actually care that she'll be just like the last person, that all this is fake. However there is no reason for that to be the case or you don't think there is anyway.

"Not overly... I went for a walk that's about it really." You said giving her a longer answer than your usual ones. She smiled and nods.
"Was it a fun walk?"
"More fun then your meeting that's for sure." You said as soon as the words came out of your mouth your face dropped. She's going to kill me for that comment you began to think before a light chuckle hit your ears. You glanced over to her again to see her laughing slightly with one of her hands gently hovering over her mouth. Was it happy laughter or not so happy laughter? Your eyes were glued to her every action and you were frozen to the spot as that forever underlying fear rose to the top once more keeping you fixed to the point on which you stood.
"You couldn't be more true. That being said my meetings are never that joyful I would ask you to join me in them but I would never wish to drag you such a mind numbing several hours." Her words carried a hint of humour or well more of the tone that Azula carried when trying to be humorous. A slight calm washed over as the realisation was made evident that she didn't care about you insulting the things she has to do for work. That was too close of a call for your liking so for the remainder of the day you resorted to short answers and nods or shakes of the head and that way there would be no room for error.

You know Azula wouldn't care. You know she won't harm you and she's made it more then evident that she cares for you and won't stand for you to be insulted or mocked. You could trust her with anything. Yet something always, always dragged you back into this shell in which you have encased yourself in over time. Everything that hurt, everything that was said, everything that happened is in the past. They are in the past and the past is nothing but dead memories. Now you have Azula. She is your present and soon you'll be able to treat her ina comfortable way and soon you'll be able to have a normal relationship where she doesn't need to push for answers, where you don't need to still fear that the past will come back. In time that will come but for now you're still healing and for now the two of you are content with this little relationship which you are slowly moulding into.

A/N I may re write this at some point as I feel as though I haven't done the prompt justice but as always thanks for the request!


Up coming chapters:

Korra - (tenzins daughter)
Azula - bodyguard
Katara - (Azula's twin)
Asami - equalised
Katara - reunion scare
Opal - project monster
Suki - (jealousy)

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