Badits Pt3- yandere Kuvira

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She  hasn't shown herself in a few months

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She hasn't shown herself in a few months. No word, no contact, nothing. Oddly you missed it. You missed her coming into your cell to rant about whatever was going on in her world, you missed her prodding at you for a rise or reaction, you missed her insults and childish resentment but over it all you missed Kuvira. Not the dictator, not the great uniter, Kuvira. The girl who rebelled against her adoptive mother and hated her siblings, the prodigy earth bender girl who'd subtly stop everything to see you smile, the girl who you fell in love with and left in Zaofu. That's the person who you spoke to last she was the one who stared into your eyes she was the one faltered when opening a door to leave. She was the one you missed. Not the Great Uniter. Though that mere second was only a glimpse of who she once were that was all that was needed to make you long to see her again. That ebony hair, those emerald eyes, that insufferable smirk. You craved to see it. To hear her voice whether it be cold and mocking or sweet and supporting you didn't care. You didn't have the energy to care all you wanted was to hear it again. Hear it so you can imagine a time long gone where simplicity was the normal as was smiling in liberty. The liberty of life. Something which you had forgotten many moons cycles before.

The absence of everything was beginning to settle in. Not seeing kuvira was starting to eat away at you slowly- painfully slow. Your limp malnourished body felt hollow, the chains which once rubbed against and dug into your wrists now held them up in a comforting numb grasp. Gravity held your head still in the air trying to pull it to the ground but the wall was stronger keeping you up. Nothing. It was a strange sensation. Ever since your capture there had always been something, buzzing engines, heavy footsteps, forceful orders, hunger, pain, anger, sadness, shame, hate, humiliation... now nothing. Your once mush of a conscience had now decomposed in the cycle of life, you were nothing more then a living corpse hanging there waiting for something to happen. For anything to happen. A blurry haze washed over your vision as space and time became even more irrelevant allowing you to mimic sleep and zone out of the hell in which encases you.

A thud. A thud from outside and an echo from the locks. Finally something. You want to lift your head but you lost that ability a while ago, you want to see what is happening but Gravity was too strong. Their wasn't s voice and there was more then one. Kuvira was absent from the room. Yet if she was absent why were others visiting you? The Great Uniter forbade it. That's when something you haven't felt for some time settled in and made itself present, fear. This wasn't scheduled, this isn't what normally happened, where's kuvira? Why are other people,in your cell? Are they going to harm you? Are they dangerous? What if they are pretending to work for the Great Uniter and are going to take you away? They can't take you away you haven't spoken to Kuvira yet, you need to speak to her. Praying to the spirits above you begged for the ability to move, to twitch, to feel, to anything that would help you. Nothing. That same nothingness that underlies everything, every emotion and action and breath and thought. The fear was still there and it's still weighed a weight but it surely became hollow as the nothingness devoured it turning it into an emotion like every other: one that goes mostly unfelt but merely acknowledged- Just like always. Their bodies moved closer to you, too close for comfort but comfort is a luxury an expense that you can't afford even if you were given the right to pay. Two pairs of gloved hands tightly gripped your arms as a small clink of chains sounded. Your body immediately fell for the metal flooring and if it wasn't for the guards holding your arms you would of hit that floor face first.

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