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jack and i got home from the game, he showered while i laid in his bed.

he walked out and smiled sleepily at me.

he walked to me, sliding his feet across the floor.

i opened my arms and he laid on me.

i ran my hands through his hair and scratched his head.

"i need you to do this after every game." he mumbled.

the devils lost game 7, first round in the playoffs at home tonight.

maddie convinced me to
stay in jersey and meet the other wags during the playoffs, yeah i had fun but my heart's broken for jack.

"this makes the loss better."

"im sorry babe. my heart hurts for you."

"i'll win the cup for you one day, one day before trevor does." he said.

i giggled.

"think about when we have kids and they get to come on the ice for the celebration. if we have a baby we can put her in the cup."

"what makes you think we're having a girl first?" i questioned.

he looked at at me, "oh, i just know."

"and we'll name her?"


i played with his hair as he laid his head back on my chest.

"and she'll have your hair with my eye color, but she'll look just like you. oh and she'll have my athletic ability!" he bragged.

i thumped him in the head, "bro we're both athletically talented."

"babe, ive never seen you skate." he admitted.

"you haven't taken me too."

"oh." he said quickly. "i can make that happen."

i laughed at him.

"what?" he mumbled.


"talk to me about something." he said.

"dont you want to sleep babe?" i asked.

"tell me about our wedding."

"oh um." i thought. "i want the color to be blue, the one you love. with tons of flowers. i think you'd look stunning in a light blue suit!"

"when are we getting married?"

"you have to do your part first."

"livlyn avery parker, you make my world spin, my wallet thin, but with you, i win. will you marry me so we can be kin?"

i laughed, "what was that?"

"you dont like my rapping skills?"

"i wasn't expecting that. i thought i would be heartfelt, not rhyming words."

"would you say yes though?" he asked.

"id say yes in a heartbeat." he answered.

"i love you."

"i love you too, babe." i said.

"love of my life."

i smiled.

"theres a party tomorrow with the team." he said.

"you guys are celebrating the loss? thats cool." i joked.

"no its not like that."

"...so whats it like?" i asked.

"were just getting together with the wags to celebrate a good season before we all go home and on vacations." he shrugged.

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