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*chapter contains the topic of eating disorder. if you're struggling with an eating disorder, please call 988 or text NEDA to 741741 to be connected with a counselor. national alliance for eating disorders monday-friday 9am-7pm EST at 866-662-1235. call the anorexia hotline at 1-888-375-7767. plus there are lots more options for calling & texting out there too! don't hesitate to seek out help for yourself! you are loved & strong & i believe in you! if chapter needs to be skipped, i understand.*


"hey tracy, is liv home?" i asked when she answered the phone.

she sighed, "im sorry jack, i planned on telling you but it just all happened so fast."

"what happened?" i asked, getting anxious.

"livs in the hospital."

what? liv & i just facetimed on thanksgiving and she was fine.

i stood up from the chair at the table, getting lukes attention.


"she relapsed when she got home from maldives, after you left. we noticed for months but she just kept denying it all jack. she worked through it for awhile but-" i could hear her start crying "shes on a feeding tube because she lost so much weight and nutrition."

"okay, im on my way." i said.

"jack, shes okay."

"no she isn't, my babys in the hospital, ill see you in 5 hours."

"be careful jack."

i ended the call and went to my room to pack a few thinks before walking back out to the dining area.

luke looked at me, holding a fork of food in his hand.

"um, livs in the hospital so i have to go, ill call coach on the way but youre on your own for a little."

"be safe." he said.


5 hours later i was at the hospital that tracy texted me to go to.

i walked in and went straight to an elevator, pushing the button a hundred times, but the door still wasn't closing.

i dont have time for this.

the doors finally closed and the elevator took what felt like a decade to get to the 4th floor.

the doors opened and a nurse looked at me from the desk as i walked to her, "livlyn parker?"

she pointed down the hallway, "415."

"thank you."

i walked over, trying to prepare myself for whatever i was going to walk into.

i knocked on the door and it slowly opened to kellyn.

she made a relived face while wrapping her arms around my neck.

"thanks for coming."

i hugged her back before we let go of eachother.

she stood in my way, placing her hand on my arm to keep me from moving.

"i should warn you," she started.

"kell, please move, i cant put my hands on you and i just drove 5 hours to see my girl and i cant go another minute of not being by her side."

she nodded and stepped to the side.

i walked in and saw her.

machines and a feeding tube all attached to her.

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