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im sitting on the countertop in the bathroom, fixing my hair in the mirror when jack walked in behind me.

christmas music was playing on the tv in the master bedroom.

the orange box in his hand and big smile across his face.

"baby you cant give me every gift, in 2 days it will be christmas." i smiled.

i turned around and he set the box in my lap.


i opened the box and removed the tissue paper to see the nike blazers with a pink swoosh.

"jack these had to be so expensive-"

he put his left foot on the counter, showing me his matching ones with a blue swoosh.

i laughed seeing the matching shoes and leaned forward to kiss them.

"let me finish my hair and ill put them on."

i turned back round to face the mirror and finish curling my hair, jack stood behind me.

"you look so good in this house." he said, kissing my shoulder.

i only had on jeans & my bra because i dont want to get hair on my christmas tree sweater.

"my stay at home wife." he said, kissing my other shoulder.

i help run the shop from new jersey. i run the website, social media, help restock online, draw new designs for stickers & stuff, and more.

our next project for the house is making me an office in the room across from jacks office that he uses for at home interviews.

ive put off making me an office in the room jack told me i would have an office in because the holidays were coming up and the couch is very very very comfortable, especially when im resting against jack as hes watching sports highlights on the tv.


"fuck that word, you're my wife." i stated.

he wrapped his hand around the front of my neck and leaned me back to kiss him, "my makeup."

he groaned, "i was going to say i will fuck it off you tonight but we cant."

i laughed, "sounds like a rough 4 days for you."

"means you have more time to prepare for saturday evening."

"ill make you a deal." i offered.

"let me hear it babe."

"if you can make it 4 days without fucking, that includes; blowjobs, fingering, and you can touch yourself, ill let you fuck me with no condom."

"that means you cant either."

i shook his hand, "deal."

"you're screwed liv."

"if i walk into you jerking yourself off in the shower, you wont touch me for 3 days and youll be sleeping in the guest bedroom when everyone leaves."

"same goes for you." he said back.

the door bell rang and we made eye contact through the mirror.

"that's probably my brothers."

"can you get me a shirt?"

"aren't you wearing the sweater thats on the chair?" he asked.

"i am but i dont want hair all over it, can i get one of your button ups?" i asked.

he nodded and went to his closet as the door bell rang again.

he returned and put the shirt on me & buttoned it up.

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