Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Eve's work schedule was a 1 by 2 she worked a 24 hour shift and was off 48 hours, which she liked. She liked the ability to work really hard and have a couple days off to do things such as go on her dates and clean out her dog's toys.

"Zeus, you can't just put all you're toys back in the basket, that's not the point." Eve told her dog who was currently putting all the toys Eve and Christopher spread out on the floor back in his toy basket.

Christopher laughed at the women telling her dog to get rid of toys.

Eve glanced over At Christopher and then to Eddie who sat on her couch watching his son and his girlfriend try and rid her house of the thousands of toys she had bought her dog.

"What if we spilt the toys up?" Eve offered before receiving confused looks from both Eddie and Christopher. "You know you both have the same confused look." The blonde pointed out.

"And you're very much like your brother and get side tracked." Eddie teased with a smirk on his face.

"I mean we're related so makes since." Eve shrugged before waving her hands around her face trying to go back to what she meant by splitting the toys up. "We can half the amount of toys Zeus has here and you two can take some home, I mean Zeus and I come over quite a bit now and I know Chris, you like to play with him. So why not just have you guys take some toys and keep them there?"

Christopher immediately liked that idea and started having Zeus and him pick out toys that could stay at his home and toys that could stay at Eve's.

Eve chuckled while pushing herself off the floor and snuggling into Eddie's side after he held up his arm for her to do so.

"I think your son likes my idea." Eve spoke watching Christopher ask Zeus where he wanted a snake squeaky toy to go.

Eddie chuckled and slowly nodded his head. "I think he does too, because he didn't even give me a chance to agree or disagree."

"Well you would've agreed." Eve stated. "You saying no to that kid is the hardest thing your life."

"And not buy your dog toys is the hardest thing in yours." Eddie retort.

"Are you sure about that?" Eve muttered before kissing the flustered man's cheek and walking off towards the kitchen. "Mr.Diaz I have a present for you." She announced after grabbing a box she hid in her dog cabinet.

Eddie turned his body to face the kitchen where Eve was walking out holding a small box. "And what is that Ms.Buckley?" He questioned raising his eyebrows.

Eve handed over the small blue box. "Open and find out."

Eddie gave the girl a suspicious look before taking the box and opening it.

"I know it's only been a month," Eve started once the lid was off and Eddie could see what was in it. "But you come over a lot and I figured it wouldn't be bad for you to have a key to my place, in case you forgot something and I'm not home or just to come over."

Eddie took the golden key out of the box and looked up at his girlfriend before laughing.

Eve stood confused, her eyebrows knitted together and eyes narrowed. "What's so funny?" She inquired.

"It's just..." Eddie got to his feet and reached into his back pocket. "I was going to give you a key to my place." He told the blonde as he handed over a key.

Eve started laughing and shaking her head. "Great minds think alike."

"I guess they do." Eddie nodded, pulling the women into a hug. "Thank you for the key."

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