Chapter Forty Three

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Chapter Forty Three
You're Enough

EVE DECIDED TO GO work by herself and earlier since she needed to drive her truck a little and she had a doctors appointment after work (just a checkup nothing big).

When she got there Bobby had already arrived and after she got into her work uniform he immediately called her up to the dinning area to have a talk with her.

"Am I in trouble, Cap?" Eve asked not sure what she could've done.

"No." Bobby answered. "But I do need to talk to you about something."

Eve looked at her captain confused.

"I assume you know what Eddie does in his time off." Bobby stated. "That you know that he does fighting."

Eve closed her eyes and took a breath. "Yes, I'm very aware."

"Well I got a call from captain cooper, Lena's captain about a call they got last night about a guy who got his know broken and nearly chocked on it. And well Captain Cooper recognized Eddie from the tsunami."

Eve's jaw dropped, she didn't know he nearly kill someone. "I didn't know that happened."

"Looks like it." Bobby agreed base off her facial expression.

Before more words could be said Lena came up the stairs to give Bobby the full picture of the situation and well Eve mostly agreed with it.

Eddie had his anger problems with Buck and so he started using the fighting as an outlet. And outlet that turned into an addiction.

When Lena left, Eddie was walking into the fire house.

"Edmundo Diaz, get up here." Eve ordered from the balcony railing.

"We need to have a talk." Bobby spoke more calmly than Eve did.

"I was going to go change." Eddie stated.

"We talk first." Bobby responded as Lena walked down stairs.

"Look, guys, I don't know what Bosko told you—" Eddie started speaking as he walked towards the dinning table.

"Captain cooper called me last night," Bobby interrupted, "He recognized you from the tsunami. Wanted to give me a heads up about a potential problem in my house."

"But Lena?" Eddie started questioning.

"She was here a little after I started talking to Eve this morning." Bobby answered. "Wanted to make sure I had a full picture and I wasn't too hard on you. Which I won't be considering your wife looks like she's about ready to yell at you."

"Guess I owe her an apology." Eddie muttered before Bobby told him to take a seat at the table in front of Eve and beside him.

"It's nothing." Eddie spoke once he took a seat. "It's—I'm fine. Just needed a place to let off some steam. This got a little out of—"

"Control." Eve stated monotoned.

"That's what this is about, right?" Bobby questioned. "You're the guy who always keeps it together no matter what life throws at you. You shake it off, keep moving forward."

"Lots of people have it worse." Eddie responded with a small shrug.

"Eddie, I just wanna make sure you don't think you have to lose everything...before you allow yourself to feel anything."

Eddie shook his head. "No, my family needs me to be in control. I'm the only parent Christopher has left and now we have Charlie and I can't let them down, I can't let Eve down either."

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