Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen
The News reporter and the joy she brings

TODAY was the day Maddie was moving into her new place, which means Buck was pouting that both his sisters moved away from him.

Eve, Eddie and Buck where put on moving duty and Chimney on security.

"I thought your sister didn't bring anything with her." Eddie spoke as they moved the couch which also had the pizza on it towards Maddie's new apartment.

"Babe there's a thing called a furniture store." Eve teased.

Eddie gave her a playful eye roll causing her to laugh. "We have reached a problem though."

"The couch won't fit in the door." Buck stated.

"Well damn." Eve huffed looking at the couch and then the door.

"Maybe we pop the hinges off the door." Eddie offered looking at the door.

"Or we use the jaws of life." Buck suggested causing Eddie to point an agreeable finger at him.

"I don't think Maddie would appreciate us using jaws on her new home." Eve told her brother. "But it could work."

"No, no, no." Maddie quickly spoke as she rushed outside. "It has to fit. I measured it twice. Can't you guys just, you know, turn it around the other way?" She suggested using her hands as a way to show the couch turning around.

"And then the pizza will slide off." Buck stole the brunette like it was obvious and like she noticed the pizza.

Maddie turned around and looked at her sofa in disbelief. "You have pizza in my new sofa?" She inquired.

"It's in the plastic m." Buck pointed out, trying to justify what he did.

Maddie looked between her siblings in disbelief before taking the pizza inside and leaving the three firefighters outside to flip your couch and put it inside.

"You're an idiot." Eve told her twin.

"Really?" Buck inquired. "It's not like you stopped me."

Eve stood for a moment just staring at her brother. "Know what, you two have fun." She smiled walking into her sister's new place and leaving her brother and boyfriend to move the couch.

Eve stood beside chimney and Maddie watching the two boys struggle with the couch while semi listening to chimney explain the security system to Maddie.

"Lift with your legs!" Chimney yelled at the pair as they continued to struggle getting the couch inside.

"Look! You two did it!" Eve beamed at the pair who where now panting and sitting the couch down on the floor.

"Hey," Maddie spoke happily. "Thank you, guys for helping me on your day off.

Eddie walked over and took the pizza boxes from Maddie's hands. "Don't worry about it." He told the women before for asking where the plates are and kissing his girlfriend's cheek after finding the answe.

Chimney handed over the tablet that contained all of Maddie's security measures. "Beer?"

"Also kitchen." Maddie answered fridge.

"Clever." Chimney muttered walking towards the kitchen, leaving the Buckley siblings in the same room.

Maddie pointed towards the kitchen when buck walked towards the pair of women. "He is so cute."

Eve knew who she meant but apparently Buck was to dull to understand.

"You realize he's the one Eve is dating?" Buck questioned his older sister with a distasteful look.

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