Chapter Sixty Four

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S4Ep1- The New Abnormal

Chapter Sixth Four
Oh Dam

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Hen questioned after everything around them shook.

"A four?" Chimney guessed what the earthquake level was.

"Eh, it felt like like a dud." Eddie responded as he walked closer to the group with hear in hand. "I wouldn't put it at anymore than a three."

"I'd say a 3.7." Eve added causing her to receive glances from the team. "Wanted to be specific, leave me be." She sassed.

"Hey, no cheating." Chimney scolded Buck who was leaned against the fire engine looking at his phone.

"Caltech's been tracking microquakes the last few days." Buck explained as Eve and Eddie peered over his shoulder looking at his phone. "Thousands of them."

"That didn't feel micro to me." Bobby stated as he joined the five crew members.

"What joy." Eve muttered resting her forehead against Eddie's chest.

Eddie chuckled and kissed her head while rubbing her back. "It'll be fun. We won't have a boring day."

EDDIE WAS RIGHT they definitely weren't going to have a boring day.

The dam had broke and the 118 was called to a scene where a bus was hanging out of a building after being carried up by the quick rush of water.

"That does not go there." Chimney stated.

"I think I'd have to agree with that." Eve muttered staring up at the multi story building that had a bus hanging out of the on of its higher up floors.

The group quickly made their way to an elevator that wasn't as quick as they were hoping. So, they stood in silence listening to the elevator music, waiting to reach the floor the bus was hanging from.

"Oh, hey." Buck spoke up breaking the silence. "Hollywood Reservoir is, like, 2.5 billion gallons. Where's all that water gonna go?"

"My mom survived the dam break in the 60s." Hen informed the group. "Baldwin Hills. Water only ever wants to go in one direction...out to sea."

The elevator came to a stop with a ding. When the doors opened the team pulled their face mask over the nose and mouth.

"Well damn." Eve muttered as the hanging bus came into view. "No one sneeze."

"Not really the time for jokes, Honey," Eddie told his wife who ignored his comment.

"This is definitely our stop." Chimney stated as him Bobby and Hen got off the elevator.

"Hey, at least it's not a tsunami, right?." Eddie commented like it was nothing.

Both Eve and Buck gave confused looks towards the brunette.

"That's just dark," Eve said, taken aback by the comment, "and you just told me not to joke."

"It wasn't a joke," Eddie informed the brunette.

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