Chapter Thirty Two

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S3ep1 Kids Today

Chapter Thirty Two

"911 WHAT'S your emergency?" Wren spoke into her ear piece.

"I'm on the 710," a boy answered sounding panicked. "there's a bunch of police cars on the road behind me."

"Yes, we are aware of the police pursuit." Wren told the boy. "Just pull off to the right so the officers can move around you."

"No, I can't." The boy informed the dispatcher. "They're chasing my car!"

"Did I hear that right?" Wren questioned taken aback by the confession. "Did you just say you're the car being chased by the police?" Wren turned to Maddie with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I'm the driver."the panicked boy answered. "The police are chasing me!"

"What's your name?" Wren questioned turning back to her screen.

"It's Tony." The boy answered. "Tony Bryson."

"Alright, Tony," wren spoke. "I'm Wren. Can you explain what's going on and why you're not pulling over?"

"Because I can't!" Tony answered. "The gear shifted thing broke and now, it just keeps speeding up. I can't stop the car. please help!"

Josh and Maddie quickly got in contact with Athena who was chasing after Tony and devised a plan while Wren talked to the young driver. 

"Tony, what's your speed, now?" Wren questioned the young boy.

"100." Tony answered. "105."

Wren's eyes widened shocked by the speed. "And your foot isn't on the gas?"

"No, I'm not touching it at all. It's like the car's possessed. It's like I knew I wasn't supposed to be driving it and it's punishing me." Tony replied

"Alright, and you've tried using the brake?" Wren asked.

"It didn't work." Tony stated from the other end of the line. "The car wouldn't stop. It started shaking real, real bad. I thought I was gonna crash."

"And there's no way you can put the cars into neutral?" Wren continued to ask questions.

"I'm trying." Tony spoke, clearly freaking out. "I can't get it into gear. Please help me. I can't hurt the car."

"We care more about you than that car right now." Wren told the boy.

"No, no, no, no, no, no." Tony repeatedly told the brunette. "My dad will kill me if anything happens to this car."

"I don't really think that's true." Wren commented.

"No he loves it more than anything." Tony corrected the dispatcher. "More than me. Like, no one's supposed to drive it. He doesn't even drive it. He just sits in it listening to Phil Collins."

"Tony, I'm sure that your father-"

Tony quickly interrupted the women. " you have to find another way!"

Wren completely ignored Tony's pleading and called his father. "Are you insane!" The father flipped when wren told him what's going on. "That car is a 1970 Ferrari Daytona Spider! And if he so much as puts a scratch in it. I swear to God-

Wren gestured Maddie to her station before snapping at the father ."Your child is more afraid of hurting that car than hurting himself." Wren interrupted the father. "Not only because he's 15 but because he's thinks you love that car more than him."

"Of course—" Tony's dad spoke taken aback. "He doesn't— he didn't actually say that did he?"

"Yes, he sure did." Wren told the father. "So please talk to him and tell him he's wrong and make him believe it. "

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