Chapter Forty One

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S3- my own chapter

Chapter Forty One
Buckleys and Hospitals

"DAMN IT, Eddie." Eve snapped at her husband who was sweaty and bruised. "I told you not to get addicted, I told you a once in a while thing. But here we are, you're bruised, me pissed because I'm sleep deprived and you're not really around because your making money doing illegal fights."

Eddie stood in their bedroom, sitting on the bed listening to his wife as she yelled at him and paced the room.

"Do you know how stressed and tired I am?" Eve questioned, stopping in front of her husband and placing her hands on her hips.

"I know." Eddie muttered." And I'm sorry, I just—I'm Mad all the time and that's an outlet."

"And I'm not mad?" Eve furrowed her brows in anger. "I've not talked to my brother in i don't know, a month, because of the lawsuit shit and he nice little comments. And now I'm pissed at you for not being here and fighting. Yet, you don't see me punching people."

Eddie didn't saw anything just stared at his hands.

Eve ran her hand down her face, she was exhausted. Between 24 hour shift at work and 24 hour shifts as a mother she only got maybe a couple hours of sleep a day.

"I need my husband." Eve muttered. "I need my partner to be here and help, because I'm so tired, I'm stressed and I worry that you might get the shit beat out of you and you leave the world."

"I'll cool it, I'll be here." Eddie told the blonde. "I will."

"You better," Eve breathed. "Because I ne-"

Eve became stiff and fell to her side, curling up into the fetal position as the right side of her body shook and her left tensed up.

"Eve!" Eddie shouted quickly sliding onto the floor and putting her head in his lap, insuring she wouldn't hit anything.

Eddie kept checking his watch as the seizure went on. "Come on, Honey." Eddie started panicking as he was reaching the two minute mark. "I need to awake, I don't know where her kit is."

The brunette quickly reached for his phone and called Buck.

"Hello?" Buck spoke into the phone, confused as to why his friend was calling at nearly midnight.

"Where would your sister put the rescue kit for her seizure?" Eddie practically yelled into the phone.

Buck was on his couch cuddled up with Wren, that was until the words rescue and seizures came into play. "What?"

"It's been three minutes and I don't know where she put her kit!" Eddie briefly explained.

"Try her duffel bag." Buck instructed, grabbing his keys to drive over to the Diaz house.

"Dad?" Christopher started coming into the room after being woken up by his frantic father.

"Go back to bed." Eddie ordered, not wanting his son to see Eve the way she was. "Now!"

Christopher did as he was told and left the room as Eddie quickly looked through Eve's duffel bag on her side of the bedroom.

"Found it!" Eddie shouted as he rushed to Eve's side again.

It had now been four and a half minutes, and well Eddie wasn't going to wait the whole five minutes. So he quickly took the nose spray out of its package and prayed it in each nostril.

"Come on." He muttered as the blonde continued seizing for a few more seconds.

Eve slowly gained consciousness and winced in pain. "My head." She groaned as she came back to consciousness.

Eddie immediately pulled her into his arms and breathed out the breath he was holding in.

"I'm fine." Eve muttered. "Just have a headache and need sleep."

"You just had seizure, that was nearly five minutes." Eddie stated. "I'm taking you to the hospital."

"What?" Eve questioned. "It was five minutes?"

"Yes." Eddie nodded his head.

"I don't want to take the kids,"Eve told her husband.

"That's why Buck is taking you." Eddie stated.

Eve blinked a few times before the front door of her house could be heard opening.

"IS SHE OK?" Buck asked the neurologist when she came into the room they where waiting in after Eve had a MRI and bloodwork.

"Yes, seems like your medication isn't in your system and you're very sleep deprived." The women stated, looking at the charts she had in her hand.

"You haven't taken your meds?" Buck questioned his twin.

Eve rolled her eyes. "I guess not." She muttered. "I mean I have a baby at home which takes a lot of being distracted."

"Mrs. Diaz, I recommend you setting an alarm so that you do remember to take them." The neurologist suggested.

"I'll do that." Eve gave a small smile. "May I go?"

"Yes, just need you to check out at the front."

"I think you should take time off to get rest." Buck told his sister as he drove them back to her house.

Eve laughed "you, telling me to take off work for something medical?"

"What if you have a seizure of the job? You could get you or someone else hurt."

"You're telling me to take time off for my medical state, when you sued people because you where on leave for medical shit."

Buck pulled his jeep over and looked at his sister. "I fucked up, I know that. I wish I didn't do what I did and wish I would've just listened, but I was mad and made bad choices based off that." Buck spoke as Eve looked at the cars passing. "I made even worse decisions when I choice to tell the lawyer stuff that he'd use against everyone. But right not I don't care about that. I care that you're okay. I can't lose you, alright?"

Eve finally looked at her brother after days of avoiding him and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him. "I can't lose you either. So don't go saying or doing things you'll regret and that will hurt others, okay?"

Buck wrapped his arms around his sister and sighed in relief. "Alright." He agreed. "Are you going to take a few days off now?"

Eve huffed. "I'll take one shift off which gives me five days of sleep and to get my meds back in my system, okay?"

"Sounds good to me." Buck smiled, putting his vehicle back in drive and pulling back into the road.

So stress and little amount of sleep is a cause of seizures, so yeah.

I did mention dying in the previous chapter and that being the reason they make up, but someone mentioned they wanted a scene where Eve had a seizure and Eddie was there. Sooo I took that and was like forgive him :D

Now I'm going to bed, Goodnight!

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